SPEAKING OF FAITH: An encouraging word

by Oct 8, 2023OPINIONS0 comments


Pastor, Cherokee Pentecostal Church

Transcribed by Myra Colgate


References: Isaiah 43:1-7, Isaiah 42:23-25

Father, I pray that you would speak a powerful word. To those reading this somewhere today in this world that they might know you already are reaching out your hand to them all around your world. Your hand is not short. I pray God that before we’re done that every person reading this would realize there’s no reason to fear tomorrow. There’s no reason to fear the future. There’s no reason to fear at all for you alone are in control. You know everything that’s going on and this day father as your children we give you our thanks for that fact. We give you thanks and are thanking you in the name of Jesus we pray and everybody says “Amen”.

This day I want to talk for a few minutes about whatever may be troubling to each person. I have to admit to you that early on, even in this ministry, it was words like “Your signature is do you now.” “Response complete.” “How bad one’s life is.”

Today it’s more like “We’re 10% towards our petition goal to enforce voter ID in all 50 states” “Can’t get to 100% without you.” “Your signature is do now.” “Don’t forget to vote in the next Tribal election.”

This can be for Christians more troubling because, as a Christian, one’s life should be “A-Okay”. That’s alright. I realized a long time ago that even when the devil is breaking loose, that’s when we need to remember Heaven’s windows are always open above us. Or when the ground is shaking, He still there. He’s still the Rock that we can climb up and stand on and He can reach out and hold on to us.

Remember, too, when the waters and the floods are rising, He knows how to send an Ark and He knows how to cause each person to end up where they’re supposed to end up.

I found out a long time ago that whenever every devil comes against me, by His One Name, the name of Jesus, they all flee away from me. I found out when it really gets ugly, all I must do is look up and see the beauty of His Holiness and things just begin to turn around.

When trouble comes to my house, I don’t have a meltdown. I don’t back down or back up. I don’t cry. Nor do we whine. We just get up and thank God that He trusted us worthy to be able to go through whatever came to our house.

People should always speak only truthfully to one another so they each can more readily believe one another. If a person takes the time to bring what they may be sharing with someone else, please kindly pay close attention. Honoring them by listening and believing what they have shared for each person should mean they are honoring every person they tell, especially when it’s been something personal. In that instance the other person should also consider asking their permission to retell it if doing so won’t bring an any added sorrow.

This past year and a half, it seemed like all hell broke loose against us and yet, there was nothing but giving him the glory and praise. We didn’t go to bed with tears in our eyes and we didn’t get up with fears in our hearts. We went to bed declaring He is God. We went to sleep declaring He is God and God up declaring He is God!

I realized when I looked back at this, there are just five more quick things I wanted to share with people next. All has caused me to be able to trust the Lord. Amen. Now, to really tell people what chapter 43 means. I want to look at chapter 42 verses 23 through 25. I want to show everyone an issue here that we can still have. We can still fail in the same way if we’re not careful. Are we not twice as guilty if we only see this partially, not fully understanding? We can even know how to do right, but not doing it will have consequences. Make sure one is willing to take their own advice, especially as one teaches or leads.