Latest Opinions
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: During pandemic, connect via newspaper
You are part of the pandemic story and so am I. Write your own story and send it to your newspaper’s Letter to the Editor. Connect with your community.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: This is a great mystery
(Continued from last week, first, having read your favorite Bible translation of Ephesians 5:21-33.)
COMMENTARY: DOI decision against Mashpee Wampanoag sets dangerous precedent
While most tribal nations throughout Indian Country were working on ways to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe of Massachusetts was being ordered recently to disestablish their reservation.
COMMENTARY: Stop and smell the roses (because it may go out of business)
The Office of the Principal Chief, the EBCI Public Health and Human Services Division, and the many other health and emergency services entities of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians have done an amazing and swift job of implementing a COVID protocol that is slowing the transmission of the disease on the Qualla Boundary.
COMMENTARY: Covid-19 and toilet paper hoarding…
Covid-19 is running amok among us. It’s been in the USA since early February 2020 after the Chinese first reported it to the WHO in December 2019.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: The great mystery of holiness
“This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Peace only comes with Holy, right-thinking
…“God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
COMMENTARY: Find your way back
If you are from Cherokee, live in the area, or commute here to work, getting around is fairly easy.
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm