Thank you for prayers from family of Libby Climbingbear

by Apr 9, 2015OPINIONS0 comments


We would like to send a belated thank you for all of those who prayed and kept our mother in your thoughts. Also, to all of those who purchased dinners and helped out when she was down. Thank you to our family for putting the dinner together and for being with our mother during her stay in the hospital. Thank you to the relief Society of the Mormon Church for your love, support and prayers. May God bless you all. Thank you to brother Jenks and Brother Mills for your blessing of healing for our mother. Thanks to all of those who kept our mother in your prayers. She is doing well now and is at home recovering day by day. If we forgot to mention anyone, we are sincerely sorry.


With thanks,

The Family of Libby Climbingbear

Big Y Community