COMMENTARY: Approving adult-use cannabis is common sense

COMMENTARY: Approving adult-use cannabis is common sense

By SCOTT MCKIE B.P. Aniwodihi (Painttown)   Cannabis has been debated by the tribal government of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) for going on a decade now.  EBCI voters voted overwhelmingly for a referendum in September 2023 approving adult-use...
COMMENTARY: Those who can, do.

COMMENTARY: Those who can, do.

By ROBERT JUMPER Tutiyi (Snowbird) and Clyde, N.C.   I rarely do this, but I think we have come to an appropriate time. I have watched as some have commented on “investigative reporting” and why we don’t do more of it. They imply that either there is a lack of...
Chief’s Report for May (ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏗ)

Chief’s Report for May (ᎠᏂᏍᎬᏗ)

By UGVWIYUHI (PRINCIPAL CHIEF) MICHELL HICKS   During the first half of May, I had the honor to accept the Source Water Protection award on behalf of the EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians). I sincerely thank Juanita Wilson for her tireless dedication to this...