One Feather Reporter
CHEROKEE, N.C. – The School Board of Cherokee Central Schools met on Monday, Oct. 2. Superintendent Consuela ‘Consie’ Girty swore in three new board members: Yellowhill Rep. Jennifer Thompson, Big Y Rep. Tara Reed-Cooper, and Painttown Rep. Micah Swimmer.
The School Board Meeting was held in the Central Office Board Room, with board members, staff and guests participating. The meeting was called to order at 11:27 am by Chairperson Jennifer Thompson.

Three CCS School Board members took their oath of office during the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Inauguration on Monday, Oct. 2 including, left to right, Tara Reed-Cooper (Big Y), Micah Swimmer (Painttown), and Jennifer Thompson (Yellowhill). (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather photo)
Jennifer Thompson was elected chairperson after being nominated by Tara Reed-Cooper.
Tara Reed-Cooper and Melanie Lambert retained the offices of co-vice chairpersons after a motion made by Roberta Toineeta and seconded by Kristina Hyatt.
Kristina Hyatt retained the office of secretary after a motion made by Roberta Toineeta and seconded by Micah Swimmer.
Tara Reed-Cooper led roll call. All members and staff were present, including Jennifer Thompson, chairperson and Yellowhill Rep.; Tara Reed-Cooper, co-vice chairperson and Big Y Rep.; Micah Swimmer, Painttown Rep.; Kristina Hyatt, Big Cove Rep.; Melanie Lambert, co-vice chairperson and Birdtown Rep.; Roberta Toineeta, Wolftown Rep.; Consuela Girty, superintendent; Dr. Beverly Payne, assistant superintendent; Dr. Jo Ray; and Diane Driver, executive administrative assistant.
The opening prayer was led by Superintendent Girty. Jae Winchester, director of the Chief Joyce Dugan Cultural Arts Center, is coordinating a meet and greet with the school board members, the Principal Chief, Vice Chief and Tribal Council for students from all three schools. Girty shared that Judge Brenda Toineeta Pipestem is also willing to meet with students at the event coordinated by Winchester.
The board voted to approve these resolutions from the consent agenda:
- 24-066: Rachel Bruneel is approved as the assistant JV Girls basketball coach.
- 24-075: Jon Rushton is approved as the Cherokee Middle School Path Seekers teacher.
- 24-076: Mary Bryson is approved as the Community Affairs administrative assistant.
Thompson led an overview of the Board Ethics Training. Ashley Leonard, attorney, will perform an official training at the next school board meeting. Dr. Jo Ray, Human Resources director, led a Suspected Child Abuse & Neglect (SCAN) Training.
In other announcements, all members of the board will be traveling to the NCSBA Annual Conference in Greensboro, N.C., Nov. 12-15. Winchester will post the Chain of Command on the CCS social media page for all parents to see. Girty shared that the CCS Pre-K program received $203,928.23 from the NC Pre-K Program. The FACE program was selected to receive funds to create books in the Cherokee language with Cherokee illustrators. Each board member will get a copy of the books.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. with a motion from Tara Reed-Cooper, seconded by Melanie Lambert.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 16 starting at 4:45 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room.