SPEAKING OF FAITH: Is there evidence of faith?

by Mar 14, 2022OPINIONS0 comments



(Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate)

Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church


Continued from last week.  Read Matthew 20:1-7;  Matthew 28:18-20.

Jesus has asked us all this question, “When the Son of Man cometh again, will He find any Faith on the Earth?”

Now that’s a powerful question the Lord asks us.  Why?  How many of you know it’s not “faith” until you begin to speak of it.  Until you begin to do what is asked of you or needed from you.  It’s not enough just to declare, ‘I have faith,’ if there’s never any evidence of your faith, is there?

That is right. In the New Testament, going toward the end of the Book, you will find out the writer literally declared ‘If you have faith, you will see the works of your faith. Amen.’  He said this, ‘if you don’t have any works, then I challenge you that you don’t have any faith.’  I believe when the Lord began by asking this question, ‘Will I find people who are living up to their full potential and walking in the fullness of the Spirit of God?

Are there people opening their mouths and speaking the things God would speak?  Are there those who are going into the places God would go and do the things on Earth that God would do?

You might say, ‘Well, I don’t know that I would.’  Jesus gave us a good example when He said to His parents, “You know I have to be about My Father’s business.”

“Yes, I submit to you today, I told you it might get a little tough today on your toes, maybe that’s why there are fewer people here.  Lots of people can’t handle this, but when I look around, I see the ones who are almost always here and faithful.

Understand, I’m not just speaking to you, I’m also talking to myself and (anyone who calls themselves Christian).  The Church has been so busy going about its own business, we’ve done very little of the business of the Lord’s,

Now, I know this doesn’t sound like fun to begin with, but I’ve got some good news for you.  When I look at the business of God, I realize the one thing God said He desires, (wishes for), is  “I would that all men be saved.”

God never said, “I want My Church to be the biggest entity in the Earth.  He never said, ‘I would that My Church be the biggest entity in the Earth.  He never said, ‘I would that My Name would be written by airplanes in the clouds.’  He didn’t say, ‘You know I would…’.  ‘Somebody would fly up to the moon and put My Name up there and all.’  He never did.

Jesus basically told us, “Here’s what I want.  I want My Name written on the hearts of men and women that I love and who I died for.  These are those I gave My Life for.  These are those I gave My Life to, and I’m ready to give the New Birth.” …

Yet, the Church has come to a place, I believe, in some degree, we fit into this morning, and I believe, is true of the Church universal.  We’ve gotten so busy doing this and that, worrying about these other things, that we’ve forgotten what our true business is.  Amen…?  We’ve allowed the cares of life to choke out the directive God gave us in what we know as the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20.

When I looked into the Book of Acts early on, I found Holy Ghost-filled people, when they stepped out into their marketplace and opened their mouths, the Bible declares people were automatically drawn to them.

I’ve found when one begins to speak the things of God… people are drawn to you.  Am I doing alright?  You are quiet and that’s fine, that’s okay.  I didn’t just come to preach, I came to do some teaching.

The Lord sent me here to say, “If your faith is active, you’ll win souls. That also means it’s the good works, too, because an active faith moves the Hand of God.

Has anyone noticed when one goes out to witness to somebody, they’re just not interested?  Why is that?

Now, I believe this is on the Church because the people cannot come to Jesus unless they are drawn there, first, by the Spirit of God.  When one moves the Spirit of God through their earnest praying, they can move His Power to focus on the soul being prayed for.  Holy Spirit then makes the difference for the one being prayed for and for the one praying.  Listen, the fervent prayer, the Righteous prayer—it moves things.  It makes things begin to happen!

The issue is, we have to want to see the lost saved, so we must sacrifice a bit of time.  We need to make it a priority in our lives, not just eating, sleeping, and working. We must make the things of God our priority.  Time grows shorter every day…and the Lord sent me here to tell you these are the last hours, He’s calling to us who may still be idle, to give out a great reward…O we’re doing good! Amen.

To be continued…