COMMENTARY: Keep the information flowing

  By JOSEPH MARTIN ONE FEATHER STAFF   Tribal Code defines what is and isn’t public information. The purpose of the law is important. “The Tribe finds that it is vital in a democratic society that public business be performed in an open and public manner....

COMMENTARY: Trump and Metamucil…

Observations and random thoughts Volume 2018 1.7   By WILLIAM LEDFORD   We’ve lost two giants in the last couple of weeks as both Aretha Franklin, “The Queen of Soul”, and Senator John McCain have both walked on. Both are the kind of people that only pass...

LETTER: Tribal member supports community policing

  New officers that are taught bad culture or habits by others that was taught to them isn’t good.  Getting out of a patrol vehicle to do foot patrol is part of the job.  It’s called community policing.  Having officers eat their breakfast after our children have...