Flint Gap Fire update (Sept. 19)

Flint Gap Fire update (Sept. 19)

Firefighters observed little fire activity on the Flint Gap Fire yesterday, Wednesday, Sept. 18. While the current acreage estimate is 58 acres, only a few areas are actively burning within the perimeter. The fire is 0 percent contained; however, firefighters observed only 12 areas with heat along the perimeter yesterday.

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Tribal Cannery hard at work for a healthier community

Tribal Cannery hard at work for a healthier community

On a drizzly afternoon in Aniwodihi (Painttown), two women are hard at work preserving food for the Cherokee community.  The Tribal Cannery of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI), which serves everyone, is located in the new Tribal Foods Distribution building at 2260 Old Mission Road in Cherokee, N.C. 

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SPEAKING OF FAITH:  Too bad to be saved

The motorcycle ministry is not for wimps or light Christians. Most of the best leaders I met came from backgrounds of x-cons, enforcers, rapists, drug dealers, addicts, pimps and prostitutes, alcoholics, thieves, and murderers – I have known more than just a couple of every one of these. Bad men and women. Some of these people are still my best friends and brothers in Christ.

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COMMENTARY: 15 minutes of fame or infamy

I have had an interesting conversation with a reader (not a One Feather reader and not to say that I couldn’t have interesting conversations with One Feather readers). I had submitted a column to another newspaper because I wanted to express my opinion, and a counterpoint to, another commentary. This drew an immediate reaction from the author and started a discussion on the meaning of certain words.

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OBITUARY: Paiton C. Rickman

Paiton C. Rickman, age 28, of the Yellow Hill Community, Cherokee, N.C., passed away Wednesday (Oct. 30, 2024) evening unexpectedly at his residence. Paiton was a beautiful soul with a contagious smile who left this world too soon.

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Upcoming Pow Wows for May 17-19

Note: This list of pow wows was compiled by One Feather staff. The One Feather does not endorse any of these dances. It is simply a listing of ones occurring throughout the continent. Please call before traveling.

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Upcoming Pow Wows for May 10-12

Note: This list of pow wows was compiled by One Feather staff. The One Feather does not endorse any of these dances. It is simply a listing of ones occurring throughout the continent. Please call before traveling.

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(828) 359-6262


801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719


Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm