SPEAKING OF FAITH: All need to be asking Him…

by Mar 19, 2022OPINIONS0 comments



(Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate)

Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church


Continued from last week…

Read Matthew 20:1-7; Matthew 28:18-20.

“I am doing good because if we get up in the morning time and begin to declare, Lord, I don’t intend to lay my head back down on this pillow until You lead me to somebody that I can lead to You.  Amen.”

How many know God will open the door, put one in a right pathway, loop a person into a zone that will cause this to happen?

One might say, “I’ve been praying and God hasn’t yet.”  The answer is, to listen and to pray more.  Not less…  In verse 6, God talks about the eleventh hour.  He went out and He found others standing idle and He said to them, why stand you here all day idle? Hmmmm?  They said, ‘because nobody hired us.’

Here’s what the Lord sent me to tell all of His people today.  ‘When we got saved, we didn’t just get saved.  We didn’t just get saved so we could go to Heaven.  We got hired!

We got hired and that is good.  The Lord came along and looked at our resumes, and now we may ask, what is in my resume?  One must realize every problem one has  had to handle and solve is part of one’s resume.  Every trial one has ever been through!  Every trial one has been through?  Every amazing thing that He’s done in one’s life, every time He kept you and saved you from something becomes a part of one’s resume.

The Holy Spirit began to pull on and draw people, until one day, you walked in and He hired you to go out and do His work and the issue is that oftentimes, we get hired, but we still stand by…Is this all right today?

The fact is God has called the Church, His Church, to be that shining Light on a Hill.  Amen.

Instead, our bearing fruit, growing our faith, sounds like our necessary growing in His Grace, doesn’t it?  Scripture talks about things like going out and begging them to come in, about not hiding our ‘Lights under a bushel.’  If we are wise, we will win souls, learn about righteousness.

Somebody may want to ask, ‘How do you know?’ ‘What are the benchmarks?’  (Benchmarks, I like them, because they tell me if I’m meeting my goal or not.)  Don’t we all like to know and have a mark to aim at and actually hit?

In talking to Pastor Tim Dove, from over the hill from here, he also works for a paint company and they had set a mark at the company of 5 million dollars for this year.  He not only hit it, but went over it!  He told me about it because it was his last day to hit his goal and he was $8,000 away from going over.  He was asking for a prayer in agreement that it go over.  I agreed and asked him how much he wanted it to go over?  He answered, “I don’t care.  I just want to go over.  He went over by $8,000!  It was a mark he could look at and touch.

What does that mean for us?  If we’d get busy doing the things of God, God could get busy doing amazing things in our lives, and especially in your life!  ‘Well Pastor, I don’t have time to pray.’  I declare, you don’t have time not to pray!  I don’t have time not to pray.

‘I don’t have the time or I don’t understand my Bible,’ is what can be heard a lot.  I need all here today to understand, God will give a person great and mighty understanding if they will only begin to study it out for themselves.  We’re in the last hours and while there is still time to do this, God is moving up and down the aisles this morning.  He’s looking for someone to bless, or to give them a just wonderful gifting and ability to win souls.  Proverbs 11: 30.  Just ask Him!