SPEAKING OF FAITH: Each one digs out their wells

by Sep 16, 2019OPINIONS






Genesis 26:12-25, Haggai 2:4b-9.


“Today’s world has poured into us its carnality,” began Pastor Tim.  In reading the Scriptures given to Pastor Tim, we are to remember to, “Dig into the old ‘wells’, for the water to flow, so that all ‘planted seed’ will grow.”

Pastor Tim stated, “The Lord has said to Cherokee,”  “Your greatness is still ahead.”  “Your blessings are ahead of us—not behind us.”

“Haggai 2:4b-9 verses are similar to what is referred to as ‘the good old days, like a well springing up.’  As with the family of Isaac in Genesis, and later on, as Jews returning from their Babylonian captivity, in Haggai, Pastor Tim emphasized, ‘The enemy has come to us.  The enemy came to us, just as the enemy came and stopped up their wells in Genesis—so the ‘water’ wouldn’t flow.’”

“In Genesis 26, verse 16, they had stopped up the wells because of jealousy and fear as Isaac reaped a hundredfold blessing because of his obedience to what the Lord had said to him. He stayed in the Valley of Gerar and grew even wealthier in that year of famine.”

“Isaac named the wells found there with the same names Abraham had called them.   Isaac had instructed his servants to dig Abraham’s well out to produce the needed water.  The first well, ‘Esek’ meaning ‘Contention,’ and beginning when it started flowing, the herdsmen began fighting.  Abraham’s herdsmen had also fought there in the desert.  They did not want to share the ‘water’.  Now that the well was usable again, they chose to claim it as their own.”

“Choosing peace instead, Isaac had his herdsmen dig out another of the wells and named it ‘Sitnah,’ meaning ‘Enmity, hatred’, since they were also told to get out again.

“Isaac then removed to another place where they digged another well calling it ‘Rehoboth,’ meaning ‘for the Lord hath made room for us.’  God had done that for them.”

Pastor Tim explained the message, “The wells are in us—about us.  Scripture tells us we are to be as having ‘bellies of living water’ with rivers beginning to overflow out of us—a great Anointing.  We must be pulling out the ‘dirt’ in our lives.”

“The Glory has been stored in us, and allows Him to flow out of us to others around us.  This multiplies what He is doing through us, to flow out into our families and the rest of Cherokee.  The wells are our Father’s and we should be trusting God for everything.  The wells are deep.  When we begin to dig them out—we are cleaning them up so they can flow out to everyone.

“There are also ‘giants in our land’.  There is some ‘pushback’ from our own flesh, too.  We need to dig the wells out within us until the Glory on the inside breaks forth.  There is only a remnant here.  Each one will need to use a shovel—the Word of God.  Isaac pitched his tent where the water was flowing, near the spout where the water comes out—and made a temporary altar to clean up lives, attitudes and homes.  Sin separates us from God and there are always consequences if one keeps on sinning.  There is also a well of forgiveness, as some of the wells dug with a need to ‘prime’ the well in us with the very tears of our souls.  Cry out!  Spend time with Him.  Ask Him to give you a greater desire for His Word than ever before.  Ask the Holy Spirit to pray for you.”

“The world has let loose many problems in life—bringing about much heartache for the victims, and their family members through money, addictions to anything, alcohol, even pharmaceuticals.  All must be dealt with honestly.  Seek His help.”

“Keep on digging.  A ‘Rehoboth’ is coming forth.  Pray that there will be plenty of room for the Anointing, the gifts, and ask that He return to us the joy we had before.  The next shovelful could be hitting ‘paydirt’.  Keep digging.  Even in ‘the land of giants’, we can be blessed beyond measure in the Spirit.  Fall in love with Jesus.  Liars are stopped.  Haters will not be able to say a word.  Tired of fighting?  Press on to the mark.  Dig again.  Is He your Friend?  Spend time with Him.  You can have a hundredfold.”

Jesus has said, “Fear not, I am with you.”