Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: Why are Native students still being hassled at graduations?
Well, graduation season is just about coming to a close for the Class of 2022 and while it seems impossible in this day and age, we are still hearing reports of Native American students being hassled for wearing traditional items. Why? Why in the world is this still occurring?
COMMENTARY: Happy with the status quo?
Do you think we have a perfect system of governance with the best leadership we could possibly have? To hear some voices in the community, the answer to that question would be a resounding “no”.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: A true-life story…lessons learned
Rev. Tim Dove, Pastor, of The Dove Christian Center Church, Bryson City, has been a best friend of mine for many, many years. We were more like brothers.
COMMENTARY: Coming to terms with terms
We are scheduled to decide, through referendum, whether we want to have our elected officials subject to term limits in the upcoming tribal elections (September 2023). While that seems like a long time away, it really isn’t. In fact, the election year begins only a few months from now.
COMMENTARY: Find a shelter in Indian Country
Presently, there are 259 Native-centered service providers that are culturally appropriate for Native Americans and Alaska Natives; and that includes only 62 shelters nationwide.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Memorial Day, a Call to Honor
This year, our Cherokee community will celebrate Memorial Day at the Veterans Memorial Park near the Council House on Monday, May 30 at 11 a.m..
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Follow Him, choose His way…
This has been a rather interesting thing, because if one realizes what God is saying here, a person can be and will most likely be offended by others at one time or another. It can and does happen to any and all of us.
It is easy to forget when you look at all the beauty in nature that there are some pretty nasty environmental issues in the wild. I am not talking about the manmade messes we bring in and leave. You know that you shouldn’t do that, and I am probably not going to alter your behavior by browbeating you in commentary. There’s an app for that.
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm