801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719

Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm



Latest Opinions

COMMENTARY: What are we going to do?

As we conclude Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we want to talk about a subject that most folks are either repulsed by or don’t want to think about at all – the abusers, the perpetrators of domestic violence. After all, over this past month, we have talked about the heartache and physical pain these people inflict on others. Some of the stories of domestic violence are painful and horrifying.

COMMENTARY: Kids pay the price

We have been talking about domestic violence because this is the month set aside to place focus on the issue. We have discussed elder and spousal abuse. But those are not the only sufferers from this societal challenge.

Open letter to tribal leaders regarding EBCI Census

The EBCI Enrollment keeps pretty tight records of who are enrolled and where they reside, probably much more accurate than any census would bear out. Why not either referendum a change to the Charter that would define the census as polling the enrollment data to get correct residency for each tribal member?

COMMENTARY: Tribal aging

The title is a little misleading, because we are going to talk about aging in general and elder abuse in specific. As we plow through (another consequence of getting older is an acute perception that time is going by faster) Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we should take a moment to consider the needs of our senior members of life.


(828) 359-6262


801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719


Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm