Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: Referendum law needs to be more community friendly
The 2023 Tribal election was an education in referendum politics. The reactions and decisions made provided a window into the collective mindset of the government and legal establishment that is serving our people.
EDITORIAL: Make it law that the tribal flag flies equally with the U.S. flag.
The tribal flag of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) flies outside of the Ginger Lynn Welch Complex – the building where the office of the Cherokee One Feather is located. But, that flag flies below the United States flag in a position of subservience.
LETTER: The NCGA’s loss is the EBCI’s gain
With Governor Roy Cooper agreeing to, but not signing the State Budget, the NCGA (North Carolina General Assembly) can now begin to close shop for the 2023 legislative session.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Sanctification: Total faith and dependence on God
Are we shouting with each person over what God’s already done for them? One of these days, that person will want to shout with us as we’ve begun to “set ourselves apart” for the glory of the Lord. None of us would want to be called a “vessel of dishonor” or said to be pursuing and seeking only a worldly view.
EDITORIAL: Kituwah should be designated a World Heritage Site
Kituwah, the Mother Town of the Cherokee, located just outside of Cherokee, N.C. near Bryson City, N.C, is an ancient, sacred site. This site should be deemed a World Heritage Site – making it the 26th property in the United States with such a designation.
COMMENTARY: Take care of our home
We get bent out of shape over land. I mean downright hateful. And you would too if the history of your people was that once someone else found value of any kind, precious minerals found on the property, rich soil and flat ground, or some other valuable use could be found for the land, it was stripped away from the people. This actually happened.
LETTER: Reader feels the “Stop the Pot Act” is a pipe dream
No matter their age or position of power, bullies are all the same. When staring down an inevitable loss, the last desperate attempt to turn things around is always an empty threat hurled at their enemy with malicious intent.
Thank you for support of the Autism Walk/Run
The Autism Walk/Run in Fletcher, N.C. was awesome. We had awesome numbers and turnout. There were 34 teams who participated and we ranked #9 .
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm