Tsali Care Center “Senior College” classes study Native history

by Jan 30, 2012Front Page, NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments

Residents at Tsal Care Center have been studying Native American history as part of their “Senior College” program. Shown (left-right) are Victoria Kish, storyteller Kathi Littlejohn, Rebecca Bigwitch, Mollie Blankenship, storyteller Leroy Littlejohn and Barbara Strickland. (Photos courtesy of Janice Barker/Tsali Care)






                For the past two months, the residents of Tsali Care Center who are enrolled in the “Senior College” program have been studying Native American History.  The residents picked this topic, and have enjoyed the study very much. 


Cherokee storyteller Lloyd Arneach shares his tales with the group.

               In addition to the regular class curriculum, four special guests from the community came to share their knowledge of Native life.  Leroy and Kathi Littlejohn and Lloyd Arneach delighted the residents with their Native storytelling.  Two weeks ago, Tara McCoy demonstrated her creativity in the field of Native crafts.  She brought many of her hand weaving pieces, as well as beaded jewelry and pottery. 

     The students will be finishing up with two more classes and then participating in a graduation ceremony on Feb. 29.


Tara McCoy shared her knowledge of fingerweaving.