SPEAKING OF FAITH: Test yourself

by Oct 18, 2024OPINIONS0 comments

By Lamont H. Fuchs, Ed.D.

(excerpt from “Preacher Spurs”, Christian Faith Publishing, Meadville, Pa., 2022)


I have a long list of questions for those seated here today. Think about each one.

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in His Word?

Examine yourself. 2 Corinthians 13:5

Did God create the heavens and the earth in 6 days? Really? Consider all the stuff that was made.  Think of all the science we’ve seen on TV and in school.  Consider all we think we know of the universe and all we can see with our telescopes and deep space devices. Think of all the earth and billions of planets and stars like our solar system, if not trillions.

Do you think God made man through Adam and Eve? What about all those fossils and discoveries of man-like bones and tools, images drawn on cave walls?  Can you explain that concerning Adam and Eve?

And what about Noah? Did God cause the flood that covered the WHOLE earth and save His animal kingdom and humankind through Noah?

Did you ever question the stories in Exodus and how God performed the miracles for Moses? Like all the plagues of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea. How about manna, shoes that never wore out, water spouting from rocks, and pillars of fire and smoke that led over a million people in the harshest desert for 40 years? Really?

Did God stop the earth for nearly a whole day at the request of Joshua so he could defeat his enemies in battle?

Did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?

Did God make a donkey talk?

Do you really believe all those stories and many not listed, just because they were written on paper that has survived thousands of years?

Maybe you pick and choose what you believe. As in, I might believe that one, but I’m not too sure about this other one. Have you created your own religion over what is written in the Bible?  That is not a wrong question.  There are whole religions based on accepting parts and discounting other parts of God’s written Word.

Test yourself.

If you doubt these, how can you believe in the virgin birth of Christ?

How can you believe a Holy man, God in the flesh, walked on earth for 30 years and performed miracles like raising the dead, healing the sick, and making the blind see?

So, you might believe he was crucified, but how can you believe He rose from the grave? Did angels take care of him?

How can you believe that after his supposed death and resurrection, He walked this earth for many to see, and after many saw Him over many days, He ascended to Heaven?

How do you know He can save you from hell and that He has reserved a place for you in Heaven beyond all doubt?  Can you trust that?

Do you even believe there is a heaven or hell?

These are all points of religious contention. Are you religious, or are you a Christian? Nearly all these questions require faith.  Test yourself – do you believe some and not others?  You failed the test.  Logically, practically, and spiritually, if you doubt one aspect of the word of God, then likely none of it might be the truth, and we are wasting our time hanging out here today.

I may have just talked you out of being a Christian, or maybe you’d instead go to some other church that doesn’t preach the Word of God.  Have you passed or failed the test? Now you have two choices.

We need to have a come to Jesus moment.  Are you all in or just a mediocre Christian?  God does not care for a lukewarm Christian. Today is the day to commit and surrender to what the Word of God says and try with all your might to live how God has instructed us to live. We might fall and sometimes fail, but He says He is faithful to forgive those who believe.

Do you need proof that the Spirit of God is real and lives within you or me? He lives in me – I know. But does He live in you? Do you want to believe and have the peace and assurance only God and the Spirit of God can give you?

Let me tell you how.  Bring it in.

Pray – Dear Lord, God, and Heavenly Father, forgive me when I doubt. Give me more faith every day to believe on Your Word. Thank You, Lord, for the Spirit within me and the assurance of my salvation.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.