Cherokee Police Commission holds June meeting

by Jun 25, 2024NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments


One Feather Intern Reporter


SNOWBIRD, N.C.- The Cherokee Police Commission met at the Cornsilk Complex in Tutiyi (Snowbird) on Thursday, June 13. Chairperson Gene Tunney Crowe called the meeting to order.

Commissioners in attendance were Chairperson Gene Tunney Crowe (Tsisqwohi, Birdtown), Vice Chairman Joseph Buddy Johnson (Kolanvyi, Big Cove), Secretary Anita Lossiah (At-Large), Frank Dunn (Wayohi, Wolftown), Lisa Taylor (Aniwodihi, Painttown) and Hillary Norville (Tutiyi, Snowbird & Tsalagi Gadugi, Cherokee Co.). Kym Parker (Elawodi, Yellowhill) was excused. Chris Siewers of the EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Attorney General’s Office joined briefly by phone.

The meeting began with Vice Chair Johnson moving to approve March 18 minutes, seconded by Frank Dunn. Approval of minutes passed unanimously, with Lossiah abstaining due to her absence from the March 18 meeting.

Attendees were given the Cherokee Indian Police Department Monthly Report for May:

Calls Dispatched Cherokee: 1,248 (average 40 per day)

Calls Dispatched Tutiyi, (Snowbird)/ Tsalagi Gadugi, (Cherokee County): 179 (average 5 per day)

Arrests: 36

Accidents: 7

Citations: 45

Complaints and Findings

Unsubstantiated: 4

Vice Chair Johnson posed a question to Chris Siewers by phone about concealed and open carry  regulations on tribal land, and whether those regulations and permits overlap with state regulations. The question was asked of Johnson during a Kolanvyi community meeting. Siewers informed Johnson that he would look into regulations so that the matter could be revisited at the next community meeting.

Vice Chair Johnson told the commission that he was awaiting an update on an ordinance regarding changes to the Police Commission Code submitted to the Ugvyuwahi (Principal Chief’s) office for review and amendment. He then invited the commission to join Kolanvyi community members on a tour of the Great Smoky Cannabis Company dispensary and Cooper’s Creek growing facility June 24. Transportation will be provided and the tour will include an educational session. Chairperson Crowe expressed an interest in planning a similar event that was exclusively for the Police Commission.

Frank Dunn gave a report on his attendance at the NCAI Violence Against Women Task Force at the 2024 Mid-Year NCAI conference.

Secretary Lossiah informed the commission that planning would soon need to begin and a budget be submitted to Dinilawigi (Tribal Council) for commissioners to attend the International Chief of Police Association Conference Oct. 19-22 in Boston, Mass.

Lisa Taylor moved to go into a closed executive session, seconded by Hillary and unanimously approved.

The Police Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 12. The next quarterly meeting with Cherokee Community Club Council, the Police Commission, Cherokee Indian Police Department, and EBCI prosecutors will be Monday, July 22 at 6 p.m. in the community room at Cornsilk Complex.