CPF gives grant funding to culturally-based leadership programs

by Jun 11, 2024COMMUNITY sgadugi0 comments

The Cherokee Preservation Foundation (CPF) has awarded the Ray Kinsland Leadership Institute (RKLI), $384,500 and its college undergraduate program, the Jones-Bowman Leadership Award Program, $153,000.00 to carry out their mission to create a community of life-long, selfless leaders deeply rooted in Cherokee culture.

This funding supports the operation of several culturally-based leadership programs for Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians’ (EBCI) enrolled members including: The Cherokee Youth Council for EBCI members in grades 7-12, the Youth Cultural Exchange Program for regional youth in grades 10-12, the Jones-Bowman Leadership Award program for EBCI college undergraduate students, the Duyugodv’i Right Path Adult Leadership program, the Kituwah Ways program for Right Path alumni, and Dinedi Eginelv, a third-tier adult mentorship program.

Since their creation, these programs have directly served over 350+ community members by providing and facilitating leadership training, coaching, mentoring, Cherokee cultural knowledge and teachings, and support using the seven Cherokee core values: strong individual character, group harmony, educating the children, honoring the past, sense of place, spirituality, and sense of humor.

RKLI officials noted, “With the generous support of CPF, RKLI will be able to carry out its mission and vision another year for the EBCI community and its program participants and alumni.”

For more information about the Ray Kinsland leadership Institute and its programs, follow them on Facebook or Instagram at or visit www.rkli.org.

  • Submitted by Ray Kinsland Leadership Institute