Faith Commentary: Reader gives thoughts on personal trauma and spiritual healing

by Dec 1, 2023OPINIONS0 comments


Murphy, N.C.


Government agencies such as the Department of Social Services, police and the sheriff’s office, are here to help us as civilians to have a better life.  They are here to provide and help guide us with resources to make things easier.  Granted some (or most) may think or feel like they are here to take your children and or take you to jail.  That is not the case at all.  You see all of these were started way before any of us now living were ever even alive to hear and know firsthand exactly the intentions.  However, in the little research time I’ve had to find some facts, it all boils down to people wanting to help people.  Sometimes things are misunderstood.  People are misjudged.  Communication is out of whack.  When this happens between any person, group of people, or agency it can become a breeding ground for disaster.

That doesn’t even begin to account for the individual’s past, traumas, and life experiences or lack thereof.   See the way I’ve come to think a bit about this sometimes-unfair game called life, is that the only actual real true instruction manual is thrown out of all the places we teach or learn.  It is often “shhhh” in public and some have even gotten arrested or worse killed in other countries for public prayer.  The Bible stands for basic instruction before leaving earth, or the authoritative, in a particular sphere or to most of us, “Holy Word.”. It was and is his word the same in the beginning as in the end.

Some of us did not grow up with it in our hands, or heads or know enough to have it in our hearts.  People aren’t born broken.  We break ourselves and each other, unfortunately, sad but true.  Contrary to popular belief, few of us do this by accident.  Some unknowingly do it due to experiences that this game of life has led us to.

I’ve learned and am still learning so much about all of this with some help from some amazing people.  I grew up a little different.  Not bad. My mom is an inspiration, to say the least.  We just kind of grew up together and kind of quickly for lack of better words.  It made us tough on the outside.  However, as an adult with a certain number of issues that I have tried and am still trying to learn the correct or appropriate way to handle especially at my age can seem easy to judge from the outside.  I’ve learned that people especially judgmental ones are those who probably really need to look inside themselves.  Not just the mirror image, that probably is just what they are allowing us to see.  We all have different triggers.  None of us come with individual instruction manuals or know what the others would even say.  We all make mistakes. The only perfect person was crucified. This much we know is true.  I am beyond extremely grateful that God knew our mistakes before we did and still thought that each of us would be or do something needed here.  Sometimes this game, fair or unfair, good or bad, with or without the exact rules or instruction manuals for us as individuals can be downright repulsive.  That’s when we must look up and instead of asking why, maybe what am I supposed to learn from this.  I know it sounds simple to some and others like the first time tasting semi-sweet chocolate.

So, in a nutshell with or without chocolate, I’d like to personally thank every group, individual, or agency that has helped me.  Also, I would like to pray wholeheartedly for everyone.  If you don’t agree or dislike me or my family or any decisions made, I’d like to extend an extra special prayer for you and yours also.  Nobody knows the heartache that we have endured.  These and other groups or individuals who have knowingly or unknowingly made horrendous mistakes and caused so much heartache due to lack of training or lack of care will, without a doubt, deserve extra prayers.

None of us are promised tomorrow.  We don’t know what the future holds.  All we can do is try our best to be what we want from others in our time of need or uncertainty.  Thank you to all the Veterans who selfishly gave or give or have given any time.  Also, to their families who have done the same.

We are all family in God’s eyes.  So, let’s try to create and build more hope and love in ourselves, so possibly it will be easier to give to each other.  I’m trying to do this daily. Sometimes it works and sometimes I get lost.  I am thankful my husband and our families know my heart and intentions.

There is a candle ceremony for anyone who has lost a child or sibling on Dec. 10 at Ivie Funeral Home in Murphy.  I hope and pray that everyone is living or trying to live their best for themselves as well as each other.  We don’t know when, where, or how the last time might be so let’s act like or become the most positive, optimistic joyful person that we hope to encounter every day.

Editor’s Note: The following information was attached to the commentary: Worldwide Candle Lighting. Have you or someone you know suffered the death of a child, grandchild, or sibling? Cherokee County Compassionate Friends serving Murphy and surrounding cities will hold the annual candle lighting ceremony. Sunday, Dec. 10 at 6 p.m. in Ivie Funeral Home in Murphy, NC. Please email ( or drop off a picture of your child, grandchild, or sibling along with the name, date of birth, and date of death to Ivie Funeral Home by Dec. 4. Pictures will be used for a slide presentation. For any questions, contact Vickie Sullivan (828) 541-1408 or