SPEAKING OF FAITH: Let Go, Trust Him, Let God Have His Way

by Nov 6, 2023OPINIONS0 comments


Pastor, Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church

Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate


References: Hebrews 11:1-3, 12

Our sinning speaks loud enough for others to hear. That’s why one can tell someone hasn’t been praying for the last few weeks. I do realize that there are things that happen, and it throws a person off their game. How many know one does not return to that place where one repents, and they move on after they have turned away from it? Run away from it and one can turn away. If they don’t run away, they may choose to do it all over again!

You might say, “I just can’t do that”. Sure you can. That’s what the Holy Ghost is for. How many know God won’t ever ask a person something that He hasn’t given that person the ability to do? When He told Peter to get out of the boat and step out on the water after he had asked. How many know that suddenly, He had given Peter the ability to do something that nobody else was doing? God will never ask anyone to do anything that He hasn’t given that person the ability to handle it.

That’s an amazing statement! So, the next time God says to do something, don’t say, “I can’t”. Say, “Sure I can.” That person is about to find out. I don’t know how many times He’s told me to do such and such, and I did! Saying no to Him is not even in my thinking and then I did it and when it was over with, I admitted it.  A person can sit back and say, “Look at you”. And, by the way, so does everybody else.

I’ll never forget one Church of God camp-meeting held here in Whittier. Suddenly, I just felt a need to dance. Now everyone here knows I’m not a dancer, and here I was, I had nothing left in me to do this, and I kept saying, that’s all I’ve got to give out.

But Lord, there are thousands of people here, and I kept hearing the Lord just say, “Dance!” So, I did, and I danced across the place and when I got done, everybody said, “That couldn’t have been you!” And I said, “It was the rhythm that was right.” That was the Holy Ghost!”

Now some of them say that was kind of silly, but there’s nothing more liberating than a dance in the Holy Ghost. People, we just need to rise and begin to give the Lord a dance. I wish I had some people who would just rise and begin to dance, to give a dance to the Lord. Why? Because it will set everyone free! That was a big deal to me because I don’t dance.

The Holy Ghost and I cut it up just a little. I got laughed at a little, and that was okay. And the drummer and God laughed. At this point, the drummer was jealous. It’s alright. It was with a godly jealousy. We must learn how to trust in the Lord. Amen.

God said, “Lay aside those weights. Those sins that so easily beset us. That means all should have the ability so each one can. One doesn’t have to live life so seriously as this. It means one has all the ability one needs to keep on. Keep walking in the same corridors. Keep going through the same doors. Keep meeting with the same people. He said, “Just do it!”

Let us run with patience (endurance) the race that is set before us, though tired, on an empty tank. Nothing was left in it. Ever felt that way? It’s when God shows up and does His best work with us! I was too tired to get in His way. I was too tired to mess with things and He showed up and did some amazing things. That means, with endurance some of us need to pick up our Bibles and not put them down until we get a brand-new revelation for this day. Some need to get on their knees and start praying until they pray all the way through, and Heaven comes down, while believing God until we see the end of what we were believing about what comes to pass and not stop believing God until it happens. I’m just going to keep pushing on through.