SPEAKING OF FAITH: 2024: “Now” Words to Live By

by Jan 26, 2024OPINIONS0 comments


Pastor of Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church as translated by Myra D. Colgate


References: Psalm 86:5, 119:1-26, 119:103-105, Matthew 11:13, Romans 5:19, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Hebrews 10:11-12

A prophecy for 1014: The new year, 2024, is not so much to be about our country and all of what we are seeing that transpires in it. It is to be more about our own faith beliefs concerning our own lives, such as saying, “I am now a saved saint, according to and by the Most High God I am the Righteousness of God, in Christ Jesus.”

The thing is, once having asked and accepted Jesus to come into one’s own heart, every temptation to sin is no longer something that any person thinks they should now have to do or just automatically give into sin, even if they may have done so before. We have not necessarily been taught or yet understand or have at least become aware there are other “voices” we can each “hear”, possibly even thinking they might be our thoughts when they may not be our own.

There’s a good chance that the thoughts may not have originated from within our thoughts. This is because it could also have been something we had heard, remembered wrong, read before, or been taught to us earlier in life. Not only that, we must remember there can be an enemy of the Lord and ourselves hanging around in us, which could also be involved. We must determine if we are now hearing what is actually our thinking or might it be only what is typical of one’s experiences from other years. If we have dealt with this type of sin before, we should understand we no longer have to choose sin unless that is really our choice. The choice is now still one we must make ourselves and have chosen to do so. The choice is ours to make now. Always check, by asking the Lord to help you determine. We pray that the choices made now by each person will now be different and for the good, the best, in 2024. Amen.

Therefore, consider the question “Why would we now choose to sin again?”. If we have now made a firm decision not to sin again, why would we choose to?

We should begin to understand what Jesus has done for us, by what He suffered before and after the cross that He was crucified upon. By His suffering such a painful and dreadful death, He suffered all of God’s wrath for us, all things, all diseases, all body changes, all choices of iniquities, for all of us, in His Body, on the cross. His total obedience to the Father, God, was rewarded with His new resurrected body, for Him, and for us, meaning securing our eternal life for us. Without our choosing Him as our Savior and Lord, we have chosen hell for ourselves. Dear Lord, How awful, and yet while we breathe on this earth, is unnecessary.

He has now risen to His new life. By His choice, he willingly gave up His life for us. Jesus also bought and paid for all our sins with all His blood. This is what Adam and Eve had unfortunately given up. They had given up everything unknowingly to Satan too as they were being tempted to believe Satan instead.

Still living on Earth, we have suffered much because of that tempting even faced eternal death until our personal choice was to make Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. He chose to come and live life as a man of flesh, like us. He fulfilled the requirement by living a perfect sinless life for us all, finding we could not do this on our own. By His perfectly lived life, He then suffered our required death sentence. He vanquished all sin from each of us, past, present, and future, provided for by our own asking Him into our hearts. For Him, it is to have given us His life that restores our lives to His Chosen Way. If He becomes our Savior and Lord, He is the only one who makes it possible.

It all was and is because of the love that our Triune God, Jesus the Son of God the Father, and of the Holy Spirit, has chosen for us. We are His creation, all humankind, male and female, whom He had made, each in His image. We are each a triune being, a spirit, attached to a soul, that all dwell in this body, perfected, when Jesus returns for us again.

Called forth! It’s to be a part of our total Restoration! Hallelujah! Thank you, God!