One Feather Reporter
CHEROKEE, N.C. – The School Board of Cherokee Central Schools met on Monday, Dec. 4. The meeting included the CCS (Cherokee Central Schools) strategic innovation planning winter update, updates on the CCS lacrosse team, resolution approvals and salary adjustments.
The School Board Meeting was held in the Central Office Board Room, with board members, staff and guests participating. The meeting was called to order at 4:52 pm by Chairperson Jennifer Thompson.

The School Board of Cherokee Central Schools met on Monday, Dec. 4. The meeting included the CCS (Cherokee Central Schools) strategic innovation planning winter update, updates on the CCS lacrosse team, resolution approvals and salary adjustments. (BROOKLYN BROWN/One Feather photo)
Co-Vice Chairperson Tara Reed-Cooper led roll call. All members and staff were present, including Jennifer Thompson, chairperson and Yellowhill rep.; Tara Reed-Cooper, co-vice chairperson and Big Y rep.; Micah Swimmer, Painttown rep.; Kristina Hyatt, Big Cove rep.; Melanie Lambert, co-vice chairperson and Birdtown rep.; Roberta Toineeta, Wolftown rep.; Consuela Girty, superintendent; Dr. Beverly Payne, assistant superintendent; Dr. Jo Ray, HR director; Diane Driver, executive administrative assistant; and Michael Stamper, Tribal Council representative.
Guests in attendance were Jennifer Martens, CCS director of curriculum and instruction; Jae Winchester, director of the Chief Joyce Dugan Cultural Arts Center; Kyle Wilke, CHS SPED occupational course of study teacher; and Brooklyn Brown, One Feather reporter.
The opening prayer was led by Swimmer. The previous meeting minutes from Nov. 6 were approved unanimously with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta.
The board voted in several email polls during the month of November. Those email polls were presented again at the Dec. 4 meeting.
An email poll from Nov. 7 was approved for Resolution 24-085: CMS Boys Basketball Volunteer Assistant Coach-Cody Gloyne with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta with Stamper abstaining.
An email poll from Nov. 9 was approved for Resolution 24-091: Volunteer Varsity Wrestling Assistant Coach-Erin Kirkland, Resolution 24-092: Varsity Boys Basketball Assistant Coach-Josiah Lossiah, and Resolution 24-093: Varsity Boys Basketball Assistant Coach-TsaLiDi Sequoyah, with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta with Stamper abstaining.
An email poll from Nov. 15 was approved for Resolution 24-096: Substitute Teacher-Virginia Proffit, and a salary update for Ryan Dunham with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta with Stamper abstaining.
An email poll from Nov. 17 was approved for an employee leave of absence request with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta with Stamper abstaining.
The agenda was approved with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta with Stamper abstaining.
Jennifer Martens, instructional facilitator for CCS, provided the CCS strategic innovation planning winter update. The update included the CCS incorporation of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction “Portrait of a Graduate” initiative. Martens said CCS has integrated Cherokee culture and values for their portrait of CCS graduates. Martens shared the vision statement of CCS: “Empower our students; preserve our nation; ensure our future.” Martens added that CCS wants to be intentional in highlighting the academic and cultural milestones of CCS students with shoutouts on social media. Superintendent Girty encouraged board members to revisit the book “Grading for Equity” by Joe Feldman to gain a better understanding of the goals of the CCS culturally integrated portrait of a graduate. Girty said “aligning cultural ideas with NC standards” will provide the most equitable education for CCS students.
Assistant superintendent Payne suggested a short book study at the beginning of every board meeting to provide examples from the book of standards in the classroom that are not equitable. The board unanimously agreed to dedicate a few minutes of each meeting to discuss Grading for Equity.
Jae Winchester and Kyle Wilke provided an update on the CCS lacrosse teams. CCS is partnering with the 4 The Future Foundation and USA Lacrosse to bring club lacrosse to CHS and potentially CMS after garnering large interest from the middle school. Winchester shared that 4TFF and USA Lacrosse sponsored equipment and uniforms for the team, as well as 25 boys sticks and 15 girls sticks. Winchester explained that she already provided 20 girls sticks. Wilke added that 4TFF and USA Lacrosse also provided two goals and portable creases. Wilke, who played lacrosse, will be coaching, as well as Richard Bottchenbaugh. Winchester shared that the Thompson Brothers from 4TFF also plan to train coaches at least once a month. Winchester and Wilke are working on a potential coaching collaboration with Western Carolina University’s lacrosse clubs. Winchester shared mockups of the teams’ jerseys from Buffalotown Clothing Co., which are purple, gold and maroon. CCS lacrosse had to incorporate 4TFF purple, but not without securing the compromise of maroon, gold and purple. The teams will also travel to Georgia Swarm games in the spring for “Grow the Game” Night on March 16, 2024, and American Indian Heritage Night on April 6, 2024.
The consent agenda was approved with a motion from Reed-Cooper seconded by Lambert with Stamper abstaining. The following resolutions were approved:
24-097: Brooklyn Ledford is approved an increase to the Level 5 pay scale due to obtaining a Master of Social Work degree
24-098: Margaret Wessel is approved as an Elementary School Teacher
24-099: Tamantha Cabe is approved as an Elementary School Media Coordinator
24-100: Sarah Pascual is approved as a Custodial Supervisor
24-101: James Jumper is approved as PT Security
24-102: Felicia Owle is approved as PT Security
Two resolutions from the Nov. 15 email poll regarding pay adjustments were held for further questions: 24-094 Level 5 pay increase for Miranda Stamper, and 24-095 Level 5 pay increase for Judy Castorena.
A salary increase for Matthew Martens was approved with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Swimmer with Stamper abstaining. An employee leave request was approved with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Lambert with Stamper abstaining.
Superintendent Girty reminded board members to exclusively use their CCS emails for IT security purposes as suggested by Josel Layno.
In other announcements, each board member will donate a $25 gift card for CCS staff Christmas door prizes on Dec. 19. The board will also donate to-go plates for the Poor Man’s Dinner fundraiser for Skylar and Laura Bottchenbaugh on Dec. 8. The board also agreed to provide a full donation of $250 to both Skylar and Laura Bottchenbaugh with a motion by Reed-Cooper seconded by Toineeta with Stamper abstaining.
Reed-Cooper posed a question about uniformity for coaching staff attire during basketball season. Chairperson Thompson and Superintendent Girty confirmed that there was no policy for uniformity of coaching staff attire. Swimmer added that in football, the head coach dresses differently to make it easier for players to identify the head coach during game time.
Reed-Cooper also requested consistency for the board approving bookkeepers, as she believed that some bookkeepers received board approval while others did not.
Swimmer posed a question about the field lights for soccer practice, as practice had to be cut short recently due to not being able to turn on lights. Thompson and Girty reminded the board of the agreement from over 15 years ago with the National Park to minimize usage of the lights. Thompson argued that since the land now belongs to CCS, CCS should have the authority to turn on the lights as they see fit. Thompson also added that it is a safety hazard, especially after practices and sporting events in the dim parking lots. The board is requesting an amendment to the agreement to allow for the lights to be turned on when needed.
Driver reminded the board of the Consortium of State School Boards Associations (COSSBA) annual conference occurring on Feb. 22-24, 2024.
Girty shared that Lakota Beatty, professional basketball player and member of the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma, plans to visit CCS in January to share her documentary on the tragedy of her sister’s suicide to raise suicide awareness. Beatty requested payment for travel expenses, which totals $10,000. Girty said there is a grant to aid some of the expense, and Beatty is flexible on covering parts of the expense that CCS cannot cover. Beatty wants to hold an assembly on Jan. 12 and a basketball camp on Jan. 13.
The next School Board meeting will be held on Dec. 18 at 1pm in the Central Office Board Room. Tribal officials will be present at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.