SPEAKING OF FAITH: Stuck in the middle…

by Apr 2, 2023OPINIONS0 comments


(Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate)

Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church



Read. Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:35-52

Do we realize how scared those twelve men had to have been to have screamed out as they began to think they were seeing a ghost near them walking on the water?  Those who were fishermen knew they’d never seen a man walking on the water like they saw one out in the middle of the water, in the rough sea, or at least thought they were seeing one.  All of them had cried out in fear.

So, they found themselves in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, in the middle of the night, in the boat.  Surrounded by a bunch of doubters in the middle of a storm, they knew they had a problem.

Jesus, in verse 27 says to the men, “Be of good cheer.  It is I.  Be not afraid.”

I want to show you what I find so amazing right now, because the moment Jesus began to speak, Peter’s heart began to settle down.  In the middle of the boat, in the middle of the sea, in the middle of a storm, Peter heard a small Voice say, “I am here.”

When he heard that Voice, Peter did the unthinkable.  He said, “Look here.  Let me get out of this boat (crazy) and what’s going on right now, and let me walk with You.

What I’ve come to realize is sometimes one just has to get out of one’s crazy life or situation, crazy mess, or one needs to get out of what may be driving them nuts.  Get out and walk on top of it for a minute or two.   One can even ask how can I do that?

The answer is one has to put out their hand and place it in the Hand of Jesus, and just get out.  I wish I had some folks who’d just get out of their boat.

Jesus said, “Come.” Verse 29. Peter got out and began to (supernaturally) walk on the water.  The Bible says, he got out and he began to walk on the water.  “Listen to me this morning,” emphasized Pastor Melton.  ”The best time to make a move is when it seems it’s at the wrong time!  Sometimes it seems it’s the wrong time.  Sometimes a person just needs to sit back and watch the Glory of the Lord when everybody else is saying one ought to get up and do something.  Sometimes one just needs to speak “Peace” in the middle of an argument.  Sometimes we just need to just fall to our knees and say, I know I should be over here, and I know I’m supposed to be over there, but I haven’t spent time praying with the Lord today.

“See, God is doing things all around the world and we’re watching as the world is getting crazier and crazier.  I don’t know what the government is doing right now, what the World Forum is going to do.  I don’t know what the IMF is thinking, they are taking over the banks now,  they don’t know, just trust me what I’m seeing, it’s all falling apart.  The storm may be raging but here’s what I do know.  I know it’s going to be A-Okay cause I heard a small Voice say, “Be Not Afraid. It is I.”  I need You, Lord Jesus.  “Let me step out of this craziness, the mess this world in in right now.

All we have to do is to begin to declare, Lord Jesus, I need You!  Peter got out of the boat and walked on water.  The Hebrew word “to walk” actually means “to take advantage of an opportunity.”  Walking out onto the water in the middle, he took advantage of an opportunity.  Glory to God!

How many opportunities have we missed?  We must each ask ourselves, How many opportunities have I missed to get out of this mess?  My trouble?  How many times did I pray yesterday?  When did I just say, I’m just going to fast for a week or so until I get myself realigned with the Will of God again?  Or, so I can hear His Voice again?  How many times has it been that the doors have opened but we’ve been too afraid to walk on through?  How many times has the Altar been opened up and nobody came?  How many times does it take for God to come walking up to us for us to say I’m going to get out of this mess?  This craziness?  We should each highlight Mark 6:50 where the winds “immediately ceased” when Jesus stepped into the boat with Peter.  They were all so amazed!

To be continued…