(Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate)
Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church
Read Matthew 28:17-20; Hebrews 2:1,17; Acts 1:8; Psalm 8:6
If we consider ourselves to be Jesus’ present-day disciples, these words are given to each one of us. We are each to tell others about Jesus, and what a difference He has made in our very own lives. Just simply present Him, introducing people to Him, by telling them what He has done, first in you, and now, for you.
If we have a doubt concerning Him, we are doubting enough not to be able to sincerely tell others of His matchless Grace and allowing them the opportunity to get to know the God we can love and serve. We need to settle our own doubts, once and for all, so we can show/tell others what His sacrifice has done for us and has meant to us.
Can any person name another god who has offered his very life and blood to take our place for us, simply because he created us and he loves us? Christ offers us Himself to be our everlasting treasure. He brings us hope and life that we can live a life full of purpose and meaning. Then He seals His and our commitment to love Him and others, by giving those who believe this, His very own joy with promises of abundant life eternally.
His own Holy Spirit has been sent to actually empower us to bear witness of Him to us and others along with all the other gifts He is giving to all those who are now becoming His. To tell others, offering to them the wonderful gift of His full purpose and completion in their life is really all that He asks any of us in return. To live our lives for Him and others is our greatest and most precious gift to Him.
We are “baptized” in the Holy Ghost to have the boldness and knowledge to witness well to others here and then to the uttermost parts of the Earth. Going first to our own cities, other cities and then on out into the world. Just tell people you meet that we don’t have to live without knowing Him and all that He has done for us.
We don’t ever again have to live life without Him. The quote from Dr. Kenan Bridges, brings the Gospel home to us, known as “The Good News”. He defines this for us as, “Jesus came as the Son of God, so as to become the Son of Man so that the sons of men can now become the Sons of God.” With the time winding down, it is clearly not the time to let anything slip. We are to be steadfast and immovable in putting our trust in Him.
As it is written in Psalm 8: 6, “There is no other God! The devil is to be under our feet, so all of them, get under our feet! This is to be confirmed by God, with these signs and wonders following us who believe. We are to be living life in the fullness of what God has done in our lives, and through the glory of God, by what Jesus did. We are to tell all who are to be in these houses of worship, compelling them to come in and be a part of Jesus’ great reward for all He has done for us and our families. We must remember God doesn’t send His angels to tell others, He sends us to do this, so we can have a great reward, too. Begin your own soul winning campaign, deliberately seek to win others and do it sooner now rather than later. “Jesus is coming back soon and very soon.”
Pray for yourself for His power to manifest His message loud and clear. The easiest way is to spend as much time with Jesus as you can. Be a part of the real Church. We can take this city of Cherokee and fill it full of Holy Ghost Fire! This can change the atmosphere as He permits and allows us to walk in the Spirit of God and can give us the ability to tell others. They can see that the spiritual is real, and that the signs of these times are lining up. We are each to be a part of the Great Revival, and we will come to know that for each one, fully participating, that the treasure is you!
People are to know who Jesus is and then share it, with signs, wonders and miracles!