The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) Public Health and Human Services (PHHS) and Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority announced on Friday, Oct. 9 they have identified a COVID-19 cluster associated with services held at the Big Cove Pentecostal Holiness Church between the dates of Sept. 17 and Oct. 7.
The persons who attended any church services during the dates listed above and have tested positive for COVID-19 are isolating in their homes. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) definition of a “cluster” is five or more epidemiologically-linked cases over a 14-day period.
EBCI PHHS officials noted, “The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Public Health and Human Services and Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority are working diligently to identify and notify close contacts who may have come in contact with these individuals.”
If you attended any service from Sept. 17 through Oct. 7, contact Tsalagi Public Health 359-6240.
Drive-thru testing is available at the former Analenisgi Recovery Center, 375 Sequoyah Trail, in Cherokee. To make an appointment, call the COVID-19 Hotline 497-3743.
The CDC defines close contact as being within approximately 6 feet of a person with an infection with COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time of 10 minutes or longer. The Public Health and Human Services Division is working with other health and emergency officials to identify close contacts.
– EBCI Public Health and Human Service release