Three EBCI candidates not certified

  By SCOTT MCKIE B.P. ONE FEATHER STAFF   Two candidates for Principal Chief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) and one Cherokee School Board candidate were not certified to run in the 2019 tribal election.  Teresa McCoy, former long-time Big...

How do you get legal advice and help?

  By JAMIE ARNOLD   H.P. Lovecraft once said, “the oldest and strongest fear is fear of the unknown.” To most people, the legal world is a scary place.  It can be complex, overwhelming, and terribly expensive.  Fortunately, Cherokee has its very own legal...

Chief’s Report on status of projects

  Submitted by Office of the Principal Chief   The EBCI Community is continually growing and changing, and as public servants we must plan to address those changing needs.  These projects listed below address the needs of our community members.  The...


  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   Spring has sprung, and pollen is in the air. The impact of allergens increases as I grow older. Sinuses swell, the nose runs, and my balance is just a little off. Don’t get me wrong; I love the new blossoms, the...