Miss Cherokee Taran Swimmer (right) is shown with her great grandmother, Amanda Swimmer, at the 25th Silver Anniversary of Tsali Manor held at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Hotel on Thursday, July 14. (Photos courtesy of Tina Swimmer)
Siyo, greetings to all, I hope everyone is having a great summer! Here is my report for July and August 2016.
July 1-3
I attending the 4th of July pow wow and had a great time. It was nice spending time with the other royalty that attended the pow wow and watching all of the dancers from all age groups compete.
Thursday, July 7
The Miss Cherokee Royalty Board organized a Miss Cherokee information night. This event was set up so any young lady interested in running for Miss Cherokee could come out and talk with our Current Miss Cherokee and former Miss Cherokee’s about their experiences and also ask questions that they might have regarding running for this title. We had a few young ladies who attended this event and I think it went well. I would like to encourage as many young women from our tribe to consider running for this title. It is a lot of work but the work is well worth it. I have learned so much from this experience and I know it will only help me as I move forward in my life. I am so thankful to everyone who has invited me to attend their event this year.
Thursday, July 14
I attended the 25th Silver anniversary for Tsali Manor which was held at the Casino Hotel. I was very honored to have been able to sing the Cherokee National Anthem, and I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents, Jessie and Virgil Swimmer, my aunt, Marina Swimmer and my great grandmother, Amanda Swimmer, while at this event. There was a great turn out for this event and I had a great time. Thank you Deb West for the invite.
Saturday, July 23
I had a meet-and-greet at the Museum of the Cherokee Indian. Thank you Ethan Clapsaddle for setting this up for me. I enjoyed meeting the many visitors that came through the museum.
Monday, Aug. 1
I attended the Soil & Water Conservation 2016 NACO southeastern Regional Meeting. I was asked to sing the Cherokee National Anthem after the presenting of the colors from the Steve Youngdeer Post. Thank you Warren Dupree for the inviting me to take part in this event.
Friday, Aug. 5
I had the privilege to take part in the 1st day of the Talking Trees Trout Derby and work with the EPA booth. At the booth, I took part in working with the kids who were getting registered for the derby. There was a Wheel for kids to spin or as questions/issues associated with Environmental Health. I had a fun time doing this, and I also learned a few things myself. Unfortunately, due to family issues, I was unable to attend on Saturday for the actual derby, but I heard it was a huge success. Thank you Rosie McCoy and Kim for Friday.
Monday, Aug. 8
I had the honor of taking part in welcoming back the returning students at the Cherokee Middle School for their new school year. I would like to thank Joel Creaseman for asking me to take part in welcoming our students and staff for another great year of school.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer and nothing but best wishes to all of the children who are returning to school. May God continue to bless our Tribe, leaders and our people.
Wednesday, Aug. 24
I attended the VAWA Tribal Trial Advocacy Training and had the privilege to sing the Cherokee National Anthem.
I have enjoyed attending all of the events that I have been invited to, and I have enjoyed sharing the talent that God has blessed me with during these events. If you have an event coming up and you would like for me to attend, please email me ebcimisscherokee@gmail.com or you can contact my mother, Tina Swimmer, 554-5027 or 736-6624