Miss Cherokee Taran Swimmer (center) is shown at the opening of the Jackson County Senior Games on Monday, April 18 where she sang the Cherokee National Anthem and the National Anthem. (Photo by Tina Swimmer)
Si-yo, time has flown by, before you know it school will be out and summer time will be upon us. I would like to share with you all some of the events that I was so fortunate to have been a part of in the months of March, April and first part of May 2016.
March 19
I was invited to attend the Mid-West/West All-Star banquet and Basketball game that was held at the Cherokee High School. I was asked to sing the National Anthem and the Cherokee Anthem before the tip off of the Girls All-Star game. I really enjoyed taking part in this event and was very proud of every female/male athlete who was there to represent their high school. Cherokee High School had one Lady Brave to represent the West team, Lydia Lossiah, but she was unable to play due to injury and the Braves had two players representing for the West team, Kennan Panther and Logan Tessateskie.
March 26
I attended the Rainbows & Ramp Festival at the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds. It was my first time trying ramps, and I will have to say they were not bad. I enjoyed serving all of our elders and just fellowshipping with other community members and visitors. I was asked to participate with the group of cloggers that were there and had a real good time clogging with them. I also was able to do a few dances with the Warriors of Anikituwah. It was a lot of fun.
March 26
I had been wanting to do something special for the residents at Tsali Care Center and decided to make each resident a small Easter Basket. I worked with the staff at the Care Center to get this project moving forward and with the help of Teen Miss Cherokee Blake Wachacha and Jr. Miss Cherokee Abigail Taylor and their families, we were able to put together 70 Easter Baskets for every resident at the Tsali Care Center. I would like to thank the staff and students at Cherokee Central Schools for all of the donated items that were given to go into the baskets and thank you to Samantha Hernandez and the students at the New Kituwah Academy for their items that were donated as well. After the Ramps and Rainbow event, we were able to take the Easter Baskets down to the Tsali Care Center and pass the baskets out to all of the residents. It was a very memorable experience to see the faces of these men and women when we gave them their Easter Basket. Some cried and some had the biggest smile on their face. I will never forget this experience, and I am so glad that I was able to do this for them. If you still have your mothers, fathers, grandmothers, or grandfathers, please cherish every moment you get to spend with them. I was truly blessed on this day.
March 29
I attended the Charles George VA Medical Center for the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War with the Steven Youngdeer color guard. It was a very touching experience, and I am so thankful to all the men and women who have and who are serving in the armed forces. May God always bless them and keep them.
April 10
I attended the Georgia Swarm Native American Heritage Lacrosse Game. It was a very cool experience, and it was also very cool that there were Native Americans who played on this professional team. There were several tribal members who attended this game. The Warriors of Anikituwah did an amazing job at the beginning of the game, and it was so awesome to see all of our stickball players there representing their communities. Both men and little boys did a great job representing their tribe and communities. The Cherokee Royalty had the honor of singing the Cherokee Anthem and the National Anthem before the game started. Even though we had some difficulties with the microphone, it was a great experience.
April 18
I had the honor of singing the National Anthem and the Cherokee Anthem at the opening ceremonies for the Senior Games at the Jackson County Recreation center. It was nice to see so many of our seniors out competing in these games. So thankful to all of the organizers who take the time to make these Senior Games happen. A special thank you to Janelle Rattler for inviting me to take part in this wonderful event.
April 21
I was able to take part in the Children’s Fair that was held at the Cherokee Indian Fairgrounds as part of the celebration of Week of the Young Child. At this event, I was in charge of making snow cones for the children. It was a lot of fun, and I think all of the children that attended this event had a really good time. Thank you Sarah Beck for letting me take part.
April 23
This was Ko-la-nv-yi (Big Cove) Community Day. Thank you to the Community Club for letting me take part in this event. This day was full of fun games, face painting, baked goods, corn hole, stickball, silent auction and great food. I had the face painting table at this event, and I had so much fun painting the faces of the young and old. I love my community, and I appreciate everyone who made this event such a big success. I am honored to say that I live in the Big Cove community.
May 5
I had the honor of taking part in the opening night of the Lion King Jr. Musical which was performed by our very own students at Cherokee Central Schools. This musical was amazing, and our students did an outstanding job with their performance. Michael Yannette and all of the other adults who helped with this production did an amazing job as well. Our staff and students at Cherokee Central Schools are truly blessed with talent, and I look forward to what will come in the future.
I have enjoyed every event that I have attended so far, and I look forward to taking part in many more in the near future. May God continue to bless and keep our Tribe!
If there is an event that you would like me to attend, please contact me at ebcimisscherokee@gmail.com If you do not have access to the internet, you can contact my mother, Tina Swimmer, 497-6303 or 554-5027.