Chumper Walker (left) presents two Gadugi Earth Day Awards to Reuben Teeesatuskie of the Yellowhill Community. Teesatuskie is shown receiving an individual award for most recycling in his community as well as the Community Club Award, created by William Radford, on behalf of the Yellowhill Community Club who won with a total of 764 pounds of recyclable and shredded materials. (Photo by Tammy Jackson/EBCI Cooperative Extension)
The Yellowhill Community was named the winner in the annual Gadugi Earth Day recycling competition held on Friday, April 22. In all, the community brought in a total of 764 lbs. of recyclable and shredded materials and was recognized at the recent Community Club Council meeting with an award created by William Radford. This award will be passed on to the next winner of the competition. Wolftown Community was also recognized for the community with the most members to participate in the event bringing in 275.5 lbs. of materials. They received a gift card from Cherokee Hardware.
Individual community winners were:
Yellowhill Community – Reuben Teesatuskie winner of a Brio gift card
Big Y Community – Trudy Crowe winner of a Mandara Spa gift card
Birdtown Community – Tracy Welch winner of a Cherokee QP gas card
Big Cove Community – Lisa Hardesty winner of a Jarrett House gift card
Wolftown Community – Mary Long winner of a Hair Clan gift certificate
Painttown Community – John Henry Maney winner of a Hair Clan gift certificate
Tow String Community – Paisley Raby (donated Food Lion card to Tow String Community Club)
3200 Acre Tract – Greg Smith winner of a Hair Clan gift certificate
– Tammy Jackson, EBCI Cooperative Extension