Little Miss Cherokee Jenna Grace Cruz (left) is shown with Miss Cherokee Taylor Wilnoty (center) and Junior Miss Cherokee Jade Ledford at the recent Cherokee Days event held at the National Museum of the American Indian. (Photo courtesy of Jenna Grace Cruz)
Recently, I had the chance to visit Washington, DC along with Junior Miss Cherokee Jade Ledford and Miss Cherokee Taylor Wilnoty. We took part in Cherokee Days at the National Museum of the American Indian.
I was very excited to be at the event. I enjoyed being a part of the storytelling by Robert Lewis, taking part in Cherokee Traditional Dancing, listening to flute music by Tommy Wildcatt, meeting new people and being able to explore the Museum. I was also able to take part in other events they had such as cornhusk doll making. I brought directions home with me so I could continue to make more dolls.
I was also lucky enough to do some sightseeing. I got to visit the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorial, the Holocaust Museum, and the National Zoo where I got to see a Komodo Dragon and some panda bears. I also experienced my first cab and subway ride, both of which were exciting and scary, and I got to see the White House. I can’t believe all the walking we did. I really enjoyed my time there, but was glad to get back home.
Last month, I attended the Rainbow and Ramps Festival where I got to visit with people, dance, play bingo and eat great food.
In February, I went to the Tsali Care Center where I was able to hand out Valentines to all the people there. One person sang to me and another gave me a Yoo-hoo!
I would like to thank everyone that took time to support me by purchasing a raffle ticket for a blanket. I congratulate Diane Brady who won the blanket.
I would also like to thank my friends and family for their continued support as I am allowed to enjoy all the opportunities given to me as I proudly represent the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. I am looking forward to all the upcoming events that I will be able to take part in.