At our June community meeting, two recipients of the Jones Bowman Leadership Award Program were present to present the community with a check for $250 from funds they had recently raised at their Cornhole Tournament. In April, we had our annual Kolanvyi Day celebration. It was a great success! Thanks to all those who helped out and who came out to celebrate. In May, Cherokee celebrated their Annual Day of Caring. We would like to recognize our recipient for Quiet Hero which was Ruth Lossiah. Big Cove also nominated Terry Holt, owner/operator of River Valley Store, for the Good Neighbor award. We also had a benefit Bingo for our chairman Sam Panther on May 23. We would like to thank the following people for making it a success: Joyce Bowman, Kym Parker, Jeff Girty, and Butch Hill for donating prizes; the other club officers for working the Bingo; and all those who came out and played. Special Thanks to Sheriff Curtis Cochran and the Cherokee Police Commission for their monetary donations.
– Consie Girty on behalf of the Big Cove Community Club