Miss Cherokee Madison Crowe speaks during the groundbreaking for the new Cherokee Indian Hospital in March. (SCOTT MCKIE B.P./One Feather photos)
Siyo, Nigada! Hello everyone! My reign thus far has been very busy and very exciting. This winter, I represented our Tribe at many local events, parades, state and federal events. I am very grateful for the opportunities that I have been given and feel very blessed!
November is the time that we focus on our veterans and giving thanks to our loved ones. Throughout the month, I attended several veterans ceremonies, joined our elders to celebrate Thanksgiving, and visited our local child care center to read to the children. Events included:
- Nov. 8, 2013 – Veteran’s Day Ceremony at Cherokee Central Schools and Junaluska Wreath Laying Ceremony in Robbinsville
- Nov. 11, 2013 – Annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony in Cherokee
- Nov. 13-15, 2013 – Reading at Dora Reed Children’s Center
- Nov. 15, 2013 – Rock your Mocs day
- Nov. 22, 2013 – Cherokee Heritage Day at Robbinsville High School
- Nov. 26, 2013 – Thanksgiving with Tsali Manor
- Nov. 27, 2013 – Thanksgiving with Tsali Care
December was an exciting month for me! I attended several Christmas Parades, formally introduced myself to Tribal Council, and spoke at some local events. Events included:
- Dec. 1, 2013 – Franklin’s A Picture Perfect Christmas parade
- Dec. 5, 2013 – Introduction to Tribal Council, N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs meeting
- Dec. 6, 2013 – Honor Our Elders Ceremony at the Cherokee High School, Gatlinburg’s Fantasy of Lights parade
- Dec. 7, 2013 – Cherokee’s Music & Magic of Christmas parade
- Dec. 9, 2013 – Waynesville’s Shine the Light parade
- Dec. 14, 2013 – Robbinsville’s Winterfest parade

Miss Cherokee speaks at the dedication of the new Cherokee Cultural Center at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville in March.
After a busy holiday season, I took a few weeks off in January to re-energize! I received one of the neatest packages ever. I mailed out Christmas Cards to various people, organizations, Tribes, including the President and First Lady of the United States of America. On Jan. 21, 2014, I received a package in the mail from The White House! It was a thank you note signed by the President and First Lady thanking me for the Christmas card and Christmas book. I also received thank you cards from Dan Lunsford, president of Mars Hill University, and the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head.
On Feb. 3-6, 2014, I traveled to Washington, DC to attend the United South and Eastern Tribes Impact Week meeting. I took some time to take in the sights, culture and rich heritage that our Nation’s Capital has to offer! I also spent time with students participating in the Close-up High School program, which is a program designed to give students an inside look at our democracy in action.
March is the month of the spring, a time for new beginnings, and the time of renewal. Throughout the month, I attended groundbreakings, grand openings, and celebrations of new growth! Events included:
- March 18, 2014 – Groundbreaking for the new Cherokee Indian Hospital
- March 25, 2014 – Youth in Radio interview, N.C. Emergency Management Conference
- March 28, 2014 – Dedication of the Cherokee Cultural Center at the Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville
- March 29, 2014 – Cherokee Rainbows & Ramps Celebration
I would like to thank the following: Miss Cherokee Royalty Board, Cherokee Central Schools, Jaylon Lossiah, Cherokee Central Schools Cultural Department, Junaluska Museum, Junaluska Leadership Council, Steve Youngdeer American Legion Post 143, Principal Chief Hicks and staff, Tribal Council, Vice Chief Blythe and staff, Dora Reed Children’s Center staff and children, Robbinsville Indian Education Department, Tsali Manor, Tsali Care Center, Janice Barker, Bo Crowe, Museum of the Cherokee Indians, the USET Committee, the 26 USET Tribes, President of the USET Committee Brian Patterson, the Close Up Committee, the CHS Close Up students and sponsors (Cole Wildcatt, Priscilla Squirrel, Xan Sadongi, Hye Long, Lacey Arch, Jace Girty, Justin Buchanan, Olivia Lacombe, Heath Robertson, Debora Foerst), Candy Crowe, Cherokee Indian Hospital Authority staff, Cherokee Youth Center, Moss Memorial Library, Cherokee Fair Grounds, EBCI Emergency Management, Mollie Grant, Anikituwah Warriors, Bo Taylor, and Marvel Welch.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate my brother, Tagan Crowe, who is a senior at Cherokee High School, on making All-Conference in golf and the Cherokee High School golf team on advancing to Regionals. Watch the Cherokee One Feather for future Miss Cherokee reports. For appearances, contact information for Miss Cherokee is as follows: (828)736-2385 or e-mail telnora50@yahoo.com. For up to the minute reports and appearances Like me on Facebook Miss Cherokee-Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.