Huddle House in Cherokee is Autism-Friendly

by Apr 14, 2014OPINIONS0 comments

When my daughter hears we are going to Huddle House, she gets so excited. That has become one of her favorite restaurants mainly because she has learned they will do whatever it takes to help her feel comfortable.

Those affected with Autism have the hardest time in public situations. Finding ways to help them relax and feel less anxious is one of the keys to helping them cope with the noise, crowds, and any sensory overload. The staff at Huddle House has found letting her feel useful helps her to relax and enjoy her time there. It’s so nice to go there and know they actually welcome her with open arms.

For families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder, it’s a great feeling to find people that show understanding, acceptance and equality. I would like to say thank you to the Huddle House staff for these qualities they show my family.


Amy Welch