The Cherokee Runners will begin a new 5K training program and a walking group on Tuesday, Aug. 13. If you are interested, please attend the initiation meeting on Aug. 13 at 6pm at the Age Link conference room. Cherokee Runners volunteers will be available to answer questions and to assist you in filling out necessary paperwork (including a simple health/fitness questionnaire and waiver form). The 5K program is three days per week (about an hour per session) for 12 weeks. The walking program will be 10 weeks, three days per week.
Membership in the Cherokee Runners is open to any individual that is interested in fitness through running or walking. All individuals that are interested are encouraged to see their doctor prior to beginning a new fitness program. The Cherokee Runners meet monthly at the Age Link conference room on the second Tuesday at 5pm.
– Gerri Grady, Cherokee Runners