Tribal Court Judgment Summary for April 3

by Apr 11, 2013Front Page, NEWS ka-no-he-da0 comments


14-10.61 Receiving or Possessing Stolen Property – Dismissed


CROWE, Becky Lynn

14-25.12 Disorderly Conduct – Dismissed on Plea

14-40.62(a)(2) Assault and Battery – Guilty Plea, No Contest, Prayer for Judgment Continued, $190 court costs

14-30.6 Child Abuse in the Second Degree – Dismissed on Plea


CROWE, Kevin Kristopher

20-28 Revoked Driver’s License – Guilty/Responsible, 30 days jail time suspended, one year probation, 24 hours community service, $150 fine, $190 court costs


CROWE, Nikki Nichole

14-10.60 Larceny – Dismissed, completed Drug Court

14-10.60 Larceny – Dismissed, completed Drug Court


HERNANDEZ, Sergio Taylor

14-15.6(b) Purchasing, Attempt to Purchase, Possession or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by Persons under 21 – Guilty Plea, No Contest, 12 months probation, 72 hours community service, obtain Substance Abuse Assessment, $50 fine, $190 court costs


KIRKLAND, Jami Leigh

14-25.12 Disorderly Conduct – Dismissed on Plea

14-40.62(a)(2) Assault and Battery – Guilty Plea, Prayer for Judgment Continued, $190 court costs

14-30.6 Child Abuse in the Second Degree – Dismissed on Plea



14-40.62(a)(3) Simple Affray – Dismissed, Lack of Jurisdiction

14-40.62(a)(1) Simple Assault – Dismissed, Lack of Jurisdiction


LOCUST, Annie Pearl

14-30.3 Compulsory School Attendance – Guilty/Responsible, Prayer for Judgment Continued, credit for time served (16 days)

14-30.3 Compulsory School Attendance – Guilty Plea, Prayer for Judgment Continued

20-28 Revoked Driver’s License – Dismissed on Plea

14-30.3 Compulsory School Attendance – Guilty Plea, Prayer for Judgment Continued


PRICE, Curtis

14-15.6(a) Providing Alcoholic Beverages to persons under 21 – Dismissed with Leave to Refile


ROSE, Jesse

14-10.40 Burglary – Dismissed on Plea

14-10.61 Receiving or Possessing Stolen Property – Guilty Plea, No Contest, six months jail time suspended, 12 months probation, 24 hours community service, $100 fine, $190 court costs


SMITH, James David

14-10.60 Larceny – Dismissed on Plea, credit for time served (102 days)

14-95.9 Drugs: Trafficking – Dismissed on Plea

14-95.10 Drugs: Importing Controlled Substance – Dismissed on Plea

14-95.5(a) Drugs: Possessing a controlled substance classified in schedule I, II, III, IV and V – Guilty Plea, No Contest, 180 days jail time suspended, one year unsupervised probation, credit for time served (102 days), $100 fine, $100 DARE

14-10.61 Receiving or Possessing Stolen Property – Dismissed on Plea

14-10.60(c) Grand Larceny – Dismissed on Plea

14-2.2 Criminal Conspiracy – Guilty Plea, No Contest, 180 days jail time suspended, one year unsupervised probation, credit for time served (102 days), $100 fine, $1000 DARE

14-10.40 Burglary – Dismissed on Plea



14-95.11(c) Drugs: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Guilty Plea, No Contest, credit for time served (35 days), 24 hours community service, $1000 DARE


WATTY, Sheronda Maney

14-10.60 Larceny – Guilty Plea, No Contest, stay off Mountain Energy premises, $9.63 restitution ordered



14-40.62(a)(1) Simple Assault – Guilty Plea, No Contest, one year jail time suspended, one year probation, complete Anger Management, $190 court costs


WILNOTY JR., Michael Warren

14-40.59 Assault by Pointing a Gun – Dismissed