MMIW: IWMF One-Year Grant in Review

MMIW: IWMF One-Year Grant in Review

From January 2024 to January 2025, with help from a year-long grant awarded by the International Women’s Media Foundation’s Fund for Indigenous Journalists: Reporting on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two-Spirit and Transgender People (MMIWG2T), the Cherokee One Feather has worked to cover as many of the 35+ documented Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) cases as possible with articles and graphics. With the grant year complete, we have compiled an overview of the coverage and developments. 

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Cherokee Nation withdraws from Tri-Council

Cherokee Nation withdraws from Tri-Council

One of the three legs of the tripod that is Tri-Council has decided to withdraw from participation.  The Legislative Branch of the Cherokee Nation (Okla.) passed Res. No. 24-114 on Monday, Dec. 16 withdrawing their tribe from the Tri-Council which is an annual meeting of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes including the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (N.C.), the Cherokee Nation, and the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (Okla.). 

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Cherokee people revisit homelands at Buck Creek

Cherokee people revisit homelands at Buck Creek

The Center for Native Health, in partnership with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) Natural Resources Division and the USDA Forest Service, recently coordinated a historic gathering at Buck Creek, marking the beginning of a series of gatherings aimed at strengthening dialogue and collaboration between the Forest Service and Cherokee people throughout their ancestral lands.

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SPEAKING OF FAITH: Small beginnings

SPEAKING OF FAITH: Small beginnings

God is big, and we often think of Him in His grandiose state more than we consider Him in small things like a mustard seed or a yud. What’s a yud, you ask? The yud is the tenth and smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet. It is a small mark that looks like the English version of an apostrophe. The difference in what it means in Hebrew is much more critical.

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COMMENTARY: Put the sign back

COMMENTARY: Put the sign back

A debate between the tribal business committee and the tribal museum has left the community without a roadside sign to alert those traveling on Tsali Blvd that there is a valuable source of education and information about our tribe since May 2024.

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OBITUARY: Henrietta L. Sampson

OBITUARY: Henrietta L. Sampson

Henrietta L. Sampson, also known by many as “Aunt Zette”, Beloved Cherokee Matriarch, passed away in her home in the presence of her loving daughters on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2025 at the age of 70.

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Upcoming Pow Wows for Nov. 7-10

Note: This list of pow wows was compiled by One Feather staff. The One Feather does not endorse any of these dances. It is simply a listing of ones occurring throughout the continent. Please call before traveling.

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Upcoming Pow Wows for Nov. 1-3

Note: This list of pow wows was compiled by One Feather staff. The One Feather does not endorse any of these dances. It is simply a listing of ones occurring throughout the continent. Please call before traveling.

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(828) 359-6262


801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719


Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm