Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: Thoughts on Tsali Care Work Session
After reading Robert Jumper’s commentary: Irons in the fire, I feel the need to comment on the Tribal Council work session regarding Tsali Care Center. I attended the meeting on Aug. 8, and I appreciate Chief Hicks and Tribal Council for making sure this meeting happened.
COMMENTARY: Irons in the fire
Running a government providing services for 16,000 constituents must be a daunting task, to say the least. And to that the stress of administering a conjectured an approximate $300 million budget and you might see why leaders of such organizations are overly cautious and why phrases like “out of an abundance of caution” pop up on the regular.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Eternal destination
Preachers do not preach much about Hell these days. To most folks, it is unpopular. Most folks do not care to sit in a pew on Sunday morning and listen about a place they are fairly sure they are not going to.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Too bad to be saved
The motorcycle ministry is not for wimps or light Christians. Most of the best leaders I met came from backgrounds of x-cons, enforcers, rapists, drug dealers, addicts, pimps and prostitutes, alcoholics, thieves, and murderers – I have known more than just a couple of every one of these. Bad men and women. Some of these people are still my best friends and brothers in Christ.
COMMENTARY: 15 minutes of fame or infamy
I have had an interesting conversation with a reader (not a One Feather reader and not to say that I couldn’t have interesting conversations with One Feather readers). I had submitted a column to another newspaper because I wanted to express my opinion, and a counterpoint to, another commentary. This drew an immediate reaction from the author and started a discussion on the meaning of certain words.
COMMENTARY: Noquisi Initiative addresses “Nikwasi” letter.
Noquisiyi Mound in Franklin radiates the life of people who once farmed around its roots, resolved questions at its crest, and celebrated community in its shadow.
COMMENTARY: Right focus
“It is very important to get out and educate for this upcoming election. We need to take a serious look at all candidates. Take the “D’s” (Democrat) and “R’s” (Republican) off the candidates.
Think of all those pursuits we have in life. Every one of us has them.
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