Latest Opinions
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Holiness is for his ‘Vessels of Honor’
“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you.
COMMENTARY: 2019 in the rear view mirror
Every year is eventful. If it were not so, it would be a dull world and an even duller newspaper.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: A call to Holy living…
So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Why Jesus had to come as a baby for our redemption
At this time of year, as followers of Christ, we need to remember the real reason for this season.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: With God, age should make little difference
“If one person in Scripture had to move from hell, to his overcoming with God and into victory—it was the 17-year-old Gideon,” began Pastor Melton.
COMMENTARY: The presumption and loss of innocence
Since much of our data is stored on tribal servers, the One Feather, along with many other tribal programs, lost access to information necessary to perform their daily tasks.
COMMENTARY: Shopping for the best gifts
By now, most of us are in full shopping mode. Even if we were not lured out by “Black Friday” or bunkered in with our digital devices scrolling through vast buying options of “Cyber Monday,” we are indeed in gift-giving mode
EDITORIAL: Why did the One Feather go free?
The Cherokee One Feather Editorial Board recently (September 2019) reviewed the revenue streams of the paper and the history of rack sales (those copies of the One Feather that you may pick up at various retail outlets locally) over the past five years.
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