Latest Opinions
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Jehovah T’sidkenu, meaning,‘The God of My Righteousness’
Read John 3:16-21, and Romans 5:8
COMMENTARY: Beware of men in suits
For approximately four years, the One Feather has followed the investigation of the Qualla Housing Authority (QHA) by the United States Department of Justice.
COMMENTARY: Read the Preamble for the proposed EBCI Constitution
The Constitution Committee for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Inc. (ECBI) will submit sections of the draft Constitution to citizens of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians for community review of the section and requests that community members submit their responses to the Committee.
COMMENTARY: To own or not to own…
It’s been a turbulent couple of weeks in our country.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: The choice is of and by the people
Read Isaiah 45:1-25 (God’s Declaration of His Anointing of Cyrus, Concerning Israel)
COMMENTARY: In no uncertain terms
Just a few years ago, a constitution for our Tribe was a hot topic. Most of the discussion revolved around the idea that a constitution was desperately needed, and the only real debate was what it was going to look like.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Anger with boundaries of forgiveness
We must each learn how to best deal with the volatile emotion of anger which can arise in just our daily living together on this Earth.
COMMENTARY: Is it public or is it not?
There was a recent discussion by Tribal Council that took place regarding the efforts to approve tribal dollars of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians for use in the purchase of a commercial casino in Indiana. It was a heated discussion.
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm