Latest Opinions
EDITORIAL: Cherokee needs a downtown parking garage…yesterday!
Downtown Cherokee needs a parking garage to serve both the business district (aka downtown) and the cultural district, and it needs it now…actually yesterday.
COMMENTARY: The Second Shot
Roughly four weeks ago, I received my first Moderna COVID-19 vaccine inoculation. Wednesday, Feb. 24, I went in for the second shot.
COMMENTARY: Rep. Clampitt responds to One Feather commentary
A recent opinion post in the Cherokee One Feather by Angela Lewis entitled “COMMENTARY: That would never happen here” has prompted this state representative to again reaffirm my support of the members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI).
COMMENTARY: That would never happen here
If you have seen or listened to the news last week then you are aware of the devastation that a winter storm brought to Texas and many southern states.
COMMENTARY: Variants and mutations….
As you may have heard, Senator Ted Cruz showed his constituents in Texas how he really, really cares for them when he, and family, and others, bolted for Cancun, Mexico during the polar vortex weather
EDITORIAL: COVID response from EBCI should be praised
As you look at the municipalities surrounding the Qualla Boundary, you see slow movement through the age-based phases of inoculation in local populations.
COMMENTARY: Give Cherokee a makeover
Cherokee needs a makeover, but it must be one with purpose. Allowing haphazard advertising placements and disjointed building facades will not achieve the uniform traditional look that will represent us in the light we desire.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: ‘Church’s Marching Orders’ Given
We’re told by Paul that while in prison he was still able to serve the Lord. By his choosing to witness of all Jesus had accomplished, he could not withhold the Good News from anyone else he encountered.
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm