Latest Opinions
COMMENTARY: Curing what ails us
Our heritage, benefits, and personal identity have long been wrapped up in a system that identifies us as enrolled members of a body of people. In an ironic twist of fate, we are identified as Cherokee due to our connection to a federal roll established in 1924.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Everyone is called, have you chosen?
God never said to just sit around nor even just attend a church. I read things like “Go ye therefore into all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.” We can almost hear a person say, “Well, that’s good, I’ll just lay out until next Sunday then.” No, that’s not how it works, either. Let me give you a benchmark. Having started, I need to finish this.
COMMENTARY: Ripple effect
As a person of the male gender, I am probably not the best judge of how to treat women. I think the people who are the best equipped to give instruction on a subject are the ones who live it. But I also believe that there are some basic guidelines of living that allow guys to know how to treat people.
The Wall of Healing: Vietnam War Veteran’s Day
The 58,267 names on the Vietnam Wall in Washington commemorate and memorialize the American warriors who died in the conflict in southeast Asia. Many of its horrors live today in the minds and hearts of those of us who served. Much was lost in that war in addition to the lives of our fighting men and women.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: All need to be asking Him…
“I am doing good because if we get up in the morning time and begin to declare, Lord, I don’t intend to lay my head back down on this pillow until You lead me to somebody that I can lead to You. Amen.”
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Is there evidence of faith?
Jesus has asked us all this question, “When the Son of Man cometh again, will He find any Faith on the Earth?”
COMMENTARY: Who should own Cherokee ceremonial land?
Noquisiyi is one of the most apparent symbols of Cherokee history in western North Carolina. The mound rests in modern day Franklin, N.C. and is one of three major Cherokee mounds in this area, with the others being Cowee and Kituwah.
COMMENTARY: Travelers expect to be catered to, not dictated to.
We are a proud people with a strong culture. Our history is, well, ancient. It is our brand. It is who we are. The Cherokee as a race, as a people, are known, around the world.
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm