801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719

Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm



Latest Opinions

COMMENTARY: Talking trash

COMMENTARY: Talking trash

We should be as concerned, as a people, about the environment as any people group. It is in our genes. The relationship of the Cherokee people to land, wind, water, and sky is spiritual and the stuff of myth and legend.

COMMENTARY: Attorney General weighs in on Constitution

COMMENTARY: Attorney General weighs in on Constitution

On April 6, 2023, Tribal Council passed Resolution No. 559 (2023), which was submitted by the Community Club Council.  The resolution is the Community Club Council’s request for a referendum vote at the General Election on Sept. 7, 2023, to immediately repeal the Charter and Governing Document and replace it with a draft Constitution that was written by the Constitution Committee. 

SPEAKING OF FAITH: Resurrection Day 2023

By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   Continuation… Read:  Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-20; John 20: 12, 18-23 “I wonder if we realize the Power of the Words that begin to come out of our mouths...

SPEAKING OF FAITH: Resurrection Day of 2023

In Mark is given some of the women’s conversations as they headed to the tomb, talking about the spices they were carrying, needing to anoint the body of Jesus, and whom they might get to move the stone from the entrance of the tomb.  The real problem is they all underestimated Jesus.  Don’t underestimate Jesus.

COMMENTARY: Ain’t nothing like grandma’s hands

COMMENTARY: Ain’t nothing like grandma’s hands

“Grandma’s Hands” is a song that multiple artists have recorded their very own version of. Most of the lyrics are the same with a few insertions here and there. In Gladys Knight’s version of the song, there is a lyric that resonates with how deeply I love and appreciate my granny.

COMMENTARY: Leaving a bad taste

COMMENTARY: Leaving a bad taste

The Cherokee language is important. It is a treasure. It is a part of the characteristics of what it means to be Cherokee. Some have even insinuated that a tribal member’s very identity as a Cherokee rests on their knowledge of the language. It is considered part of the life’s blood of the community. To some. 

SPEAKING OF FAITH: Resurrection Sunday, 2023

By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   Read:  Matthew 28: 1-10; John 20:12,18-23. “Yes, He is risen!  I’m so glad He has gotten up!  He got up, so I can get up!  All of us who believe can know...


(828) 359-6262


801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719


Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm