Latest Opinions
How can weakness be a strength? Every day we talk about what we are going to do.
COMMENTARY: Honesty is the best media policy.
I recently read a headline that reminded me of how incredibly corrupt some “news” organizations are. Yes. News companies. Corruption.
COMMENTARY: Child grooming through entertainment
I wrote a commentary opposing an adult event at the Cherokee Fair. The actual message of this commentary was lost or misunderstood by some people on Facebook, so I intend to clarify it.
COMMENTARY: Count your blessings
I resisted writing this for as long as I could. I argued with myself that is would be too sappy and that not everyone shares my belief system. Then I thought, some things are universal like love and peace, and the gratefulness that comes with it.
Faith Commentary: Are you saved?
The nineteenth-century English scholar, Bishop B.F. Westcott, was a regius professor of divinity at Cambridge University.
COMMENTARY: This isn’t love
On the Dec. 12, 2023, Cherokee Court Domestic Violence docket, nine defendants were being charged with criminal domestic and dating violence, another 19 defendants were there to answer civil domestic violence charges.
COMMENTARY: Fairgoer objects to Pretty Legs
I had lived away for some time and had not attended the fair in years. I was very excited to be able to go this year and wanted to experience everything. I enjoyed almost everything. However, the Pretty Legs Contest was unacceptable.
COMMENTARY: The future of tribal freedom of speech
The craziness of the holiday season is upon us. Here at the Tribe, everyone starts gearing up for gearing down around this time. Everyone knows that it is time to line up all those projects that can be processed and implemented before the calendar year ends need to be worked on with a soon endgame in mind, and those with little chance of finishing in 2023 must be prepped for the holiday pause so that they may be cranked back up when critical services like EBCI (Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians) Finance return from the holiday break.
(828) 359-6262
801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719
Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm