801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719

Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm



Latest Opinions

COMMENTARY: I heard an old, old story.

We all love our stories. From gossip around the kitchen table to multi-million-dollar production, storytelling is a global cultural phenomenon. It is the way we have passed on history, genealogy, medicine, explained science, and even prayed.

FAITH COMMENTARY: A close call, Part 3 of 3

Jesus faced death because He knew what death was all about. He knew exactly how he was going to die and what he would suffer. And like HIM, some of us no longer fear death as much as we fear just how we might die or how we might suffer.

COMMENTARY: Not all is vanity

COMMENTARY: Not all is vanity

When I first heard members of the community discussing their desire to have their own vehicular license plate, I thought they were talking about a tribal tag like many other federally recognized tribes now produce and regulate.

FAITH COMMENTARY: A close call (Part 1 of 3)

Before and since I met my wife, I was a motorcycle enthusiast for fifty-some years. Back then, that is what you would have called me unless you saw me riding on the street with my colors, and then you would probably call me a biker.


(828) 359-6262


801 Acquoni Road • Cherokee, NC 28719


Mon – Fri • 7:45am – 4:30pm