Latest Opinions
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Use of cell towers and AM radio
Cell phone sites and AM radio stations have been viewed by many as unable to function from the same tower.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: The mystery and meaning of Bethlehem’s Star
Sometime around Thanksgiving many of us decorate a Christmas tree. We raise our real or fake tree in our living rooms, decorated with ornaments and lights, with our wrapped gifts gently placed underneath as we await Christmas morning.
EDITORIAL: N.C. Commission on Indian Affairs unfairly attacks EBCI
There is a lot of opposition to the way the Lumbee are going about seeking their recognition. It is incredibly unfair for the N.C. Commission on Indian Affairs to single out Ugvwiyuhi Hicks and the EBCI and give the tribe the moniker of defamers and troublemakers.
COMMENTARY: The best present is your presence
Make a point of visiting a rest home or nursing home during the holidays. I know that sounds like an admonition, but it isn’t entirely. It should be a reminder and an incentive for compassion during this season of giving.
COMMENTARY: Ethics, exception, and extenuating circumstances
I think it is important for our community to read and understand a dialogue that accompanied a vote in Dinilawigi (Tribal Council) regarding legislation submitted by the Office of Internal Audit and Ethics.
EDITORIAL: Brown University’s land donation to “Pokanoket Indian Tribe” highlights issues with unrecognized groups
Two weeks before Thanksgiving, Brown University officially transferred 255 acres of its Mount Hope property to a preservation trust established by the Pokanoket Indian Tribe. That sounds great, right? Well, the issue is that, officially, there is no Pokanoket Indian Tribe.
SPEAKING OF FAITH: Take your pick
Consider Mary and Joseph’s story in the Bible. They intended to get married and live happily ever after. Then God, through His messengers, changed their lives in ways they could not have imagined. God has a way of getting His way through changing our ways. Maybe you have a story like that.
COMMENTARY: We want your input. The community needs you.
While the tribal government recognizes the need for free speech and a free press, they sometimes balk at the release of information that, by all measurements, belongs to the members of our tribe.
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