Robert, Indica, Brooklyn, Dawn, and Scott
P.O. Box 501, Cherokee, N.C., 28719
Located in Ginger Lynn Welch Complex
(828) 359-6261
Click here for One Feather Ad Rate Sheet:
One Feather staff
Editor – Robert Jumper, (828) 359-6482
Assistant Editor – Scott McKie Brings Plenty, 359-6263
Reporter – Brooklyn Brown, 359-6264
Ad Sales Coordinator – Dawn Arneach, 359-6489
Subscription Clerk – Indica Climbingbear, 359-6262
Please direct all electronic communications to us at: Cherokeeonefeather1966@gmail.com
The Editorial Board of the Cherokee One Feather consists of: Brooklyn Brown, chairperson; Dawn Arneach, vice chairperson; Robert Jumper; Scott McKie Brings Plenty; Indica Climbingbear; and Chris Siewers.
Letters Policy
The Cherokee One Feather is available as a forum for opinion or comment concerning issues of interest to the community and readership. Letters, including any submitted photos, should be exclusive to and will become the property of the One Feather. Letters must be signed and include contact information (name, address, email, or phone number). Letters should not exceed 250 words and may be rejected if those exceed the word limit. Submissions of more than 250 words may be considered for commentaries at the discretion of the Editor. The name and township of the writer will be printed. Letters must conform to the ethics policy of the Cherokee One Feather and the paper reserves the right to refuse publication of any material. The Editorial Board is the final arbiter on all decisions involving content. The deadline for all submissions is Friday at 12 p.m.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the editor and commentators are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Cherokee one Feather and Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.