SPEAKING OF FAITH: What is your mission?

  By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   “Father, I pray that every door that needs to be closed, is closed, that we might know clearly the avenues of the past in which we must walk to...

COMMENTARY: Party affiliation

  By MARY HERR Yellowhill Community   In recent years, a number of us have been doing voter registration in Cherokee for county, state and national elections with more success in some years than others.   It is very important that Cherokees vote in these...

COMMENTARY: Cultural Preservation

  By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   There has been much talk in our community, particularly in our government, concerning cultural and historical preservation. Yes, much talk. But talk is cheap, at least that is what P.T. Barnum said back in the 1850’s...

SPEAKING OF FAITH: What’s needed is all of each of us.

  By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELVIN, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   The Lord has placed in my heart for the year 2022 that this shall be a year of  soul-winning for this church.  Amen.  I believe the Lord is coming...

COMMENTARY: Show me the commodities!

  By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   I remember when I was a kid that there were some pretty tasty treats in the “welfare” food supplies that our family received. For a pretty good stretch of my childhood, we depended on those (and the federal food stamp...