COMMENTARY: Where did you buy that?

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   Several years ago, a group of independent retailers got the idea of generating an advertising campaign around the term “Buy Local”. It eventually became multiple independent campaigns on a worldwide basis. It reminded...

COMMENTARY: Your lips are moving

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   “I know you lie ‘Cause your lips are moving Tell me do you think I’m dumb? I might be young, but I ain’t stupid Talking around in circles with your tongue I gave you bass, you gave me sweet talk Saying how...

COMMENTARY: Adult Education

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   In many professions, it is common for folks to assume knowledge and want to tap into it. Example, if a doctor goes out for a meal, it is very likely that someone will identify him or her as a doctor, and then at least one...

SPEAKING OF FAITH: Trust God’s plan for us

By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   Read Colossians 3:9-10 Continued from last week… “This new truck is crazy and all in a good way.”  “I can say, okay, Ford, set the cruise control at...