COMMENTARY: Faded and dilapidated

COMMENTARY: Faded and dilapidated

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   Forward thinking. Progressive. Powerful. Great. Wise. Caring. Proud. Prosperous. All words used by one person or another to describe the people and lands of the Qualla Boundary. And, in many ways, we reflect all those words....

COMMENTARY: Don’t leave it to your loved ones.

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   Every so often we have a week or two where the volume of obituaries we receive from our community and readership increases significantly. The past few weeks have been riddled with local people passing, both old and young....

COMMENTARY: Fueling the fire

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   There is a law on the books (the “books” being our Cherokee Code) that allows Tribal Council to shut off the cameras, streaming, and video feeds so that things can be said in the Chambers that are not seen nor heard by the...

SPEAKING OF FAITH: About the God who provides for us all…

By REV. TIMOTHY L. MELTON, PASTOR (Transcribed by Myra D. Colgate) Cherokee Pentecostal Holiness Church   Read:  Isaiah 46:9-10;  Genesis 22:1-19 What a wonderful Promise today from the Lord Who declares,  “He finished it before He ever started any of it.” How...

COMMENTARY: The status quo comes with a price

By ROBERT JUMPER One Feather Editor   We are all opponents of disruption. We love normalcy. When things function to our satisfaction or comfort level, we don’t want snags. If you have exposed water pipes, you know how aggravating it is when your routine gets...