By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   “Does a resolution trump an ordinance?” This and many other questions were presented during Tribal Council last week. You really felt like you needed a lawyer present just to interpret the proceedings and things have...

LETTER: Divided house cannot serve Cherokee people

  Mr. Jumper, I am truly sorry that anyone should have to be addressing the current negative status of our tribal government.  A house divided cannot serve the best interest of the Cherokee people.  This is my personal opinion, but I think there is too much...

LETTER: Reader against ACA repeal

  Regardless of your political party affiliation, health care is important to all of us.  Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not perfect, it provides coverage for many people without health insurance and offers additional benefits to those of us on...

EDITORIAL: R-E-S-P-E-C-T (Just a little bit)

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   Wow! We are experiencing a twilight zone moment in our country and in our Tribe. We have forgotten most or all of what our ancestors, not to mention our mammas and daddies, told about treating other people. Back in the...

LETTER: Respect is two-way street

  Representative Mike Clampitt, NC House District 119, explained to his constituents, at his town hall meeting of Feb. 24 in the Waynesville Haywood County Historic Courthouse, how “in Raleigh we have red buttons and green buttons” to vote on matters...