COMMENTARY: Students, be thankful for your fortune

  By JOSEPH MARTIN ONE FEATHER STAFF   Sitting in a Tribal Council discussion over changes in educational funding policy got me thinking. The issues were over whether to pay for students’ parking as a part of the Tribe’s funding for college students to...

EDITORIAL: Civil discourse

  By ROBERT JUMPER ONE FEATHER EDITOR   Not since the American Civil War have I read about so much hatred and disunity among the citizenry of the United States. The ugliness ranges from rhetoric to aggression to violence. I am not sure when or how it...

LGBTQ group hopes to make a difference for acceptance

  By JOSEPH MARTIN ONE FEATHER STAFF   For many years among the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, being gay, lesbian or transgender was something that was either hidden or something that wasn’t discussed. There was a stigma attached to it, and many just...

COMMENTARY: Janna Girty should be praised for bravery

  By SCOTT MCKIE B.P. ONE FEATHER STAFF   While covering the Junior Miss Cherokee pageant during the 106th Cherokee Indian Fair, I witnessed a young lady display exemplary bravery and conquer a fear millions like her, including myself, have – public speaking...